Peteke Feijten
Peteke Feijten
Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau
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The timing of household events and housing events in the Netherlands: A longitudinal perspective
P Feijten, CH Mulder
Housing studies 17 (5), 773-792, 2002
Who wants to leave the neighbourhood? The effect of being different from the neighbourhood population on wishes to move
M Van Ham, P Feijten
Environment and Planning A 40 (5), 1151-1170, 2008
Neighbourhood change... reason to leave?
P Feijten, M Van Ham
Urban studies 46 (10), 2103-2122, 2009
Residential mobility and migration of the divorced and separated
P Feijten, M Van Ham
Demographic Research 17, 623-654, 2007
Residential experience and residential environment choice over the life-course
P Feijten, P Hooimeijer, CH Mulder
Urban studies 45 (1), 141-162, 2008
A longitudinal analysis of moving desires, expectations and actual moving behaviour
R Coulter, M Van Ham, P Feijten
Environment and Planning A 43 (11), 2742-2760, 2011
Union dissolution, unemployment and moving out of homeownership
P Feijten
European Sociological Review 21 (1), 59-71, 2005
A longitudinal analysis of family migration and the gender gap in earnings in the United States and Great Britain
TJ Cooke, P Boyle, K Couch, P Feijten
Demography 46 (1), 147-167, 2009
The impact of splitting up and divorce on housing careers in the UK
P Feijten, M Van Ham
Housing Studies 25 (4), 483-507, 2010
Life-course experience and housing quality
P Feijten, CH Mulder
Housing Studies 20 (4), 571-587, 2005
Partner (dis) agreement on moving desires and the subsequent moving behaviour of couples
R Coulter, M van Ham, P Feijten
Population, Space and Place 18 (1), 16-30, 2012
Cohort profile: the Scottish longitudinal study (SLS)
PJ Boyle, P Feijten, Z Feng, L Hattersley, Z Huang, J Nolan, G Raab
International journal of epidemiology 38 (2), 385-392, 2009
Life events and the housing career: A retrospective analysis of timed effects
P Feijten
Eburon, 2005
Age differentiation in the effect of household situation on first-time homeownership
P Feijten, CH Mulder, P Baizán
Journal of housing and the Built Environment 18, 233-255, 2003
The consequences of divorce and splitting up for spatial mobility in the UK
P Feijten, M van Ham
Comparative Population Studies 38 (2), 2013
Migration, occupational mobility, and regional escalators in Scotland
M Van Ham, A Findlay, D Manley, P Feijten
Urban Studies Research 2012 (1), 827171, 2012
Gender, divorce and housing–a life course perspective
P Feijten, CH Mulder
Wohnen und Gender: Theoretische, politische, soziale und räumliche Aspekte …, 2010
Sociaal domein op koers? Verwachtingen en resultaten van vijf jaar decentraal beleid
M Kromhout, P Van Echtelt, P Feijten
Social Work on Track, 2020
Sociaal domein op koers?
M Kromhout, P Feijten, M Voogd-Hamelink, P Echtelt
De Wmo in beweging: evaluatie Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning 2010-2012
MHC Kromhout, P Feijten, F Vonk, MMY Klerk, MAM Marangos, ...
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2014
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