Christer Bergsten
Christer Bergsten
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Algebra för alla
C Bergsten, J Häggström, L Lindberg
Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM), 1997
Mathematical modelling as a professional task
P Frejd, C Bergsten
Educational studies in mathematics 91, 11-35, 2016
Investigating quality of undergraduate mathematics lectures
C Bergsten
Mathematics Education Research Journal 19 (3), 48-72, 2007
Undergraduate students’ preference for procedural to conceptual solutions to mathematical problems
J Engelbrecht, C Bergsten, O Kågesten
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology 40 …, 2009
Components of mathematics teacher training
P Liljedahl, V Durand-Guerrier, C Winsløw, I Bloch, P Huckstep, ...
The professional education and development of teachers of mathematics: The …, 2009
On the use of realistic Fermi problems in introducing mathematical modelling in upper secondary mathematics
JB Ärlebäck, C Bergsten
Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13, 597-609, 2013
Conceptual and procedural approaches to mathematics in the engineering curriculum: Student conceptions and performance
J Engelbrecht, C Bergsten, O Kågesten
Journal of Engineering Education 101 (1), 138-162, 2012
Preference for visual methods: An international study
NC Presmeg, C Bergsten
PME CONFERENCE 3, 3-58, 1995
Professional modellers’ conceptions of the notion of mathematical modelling: Ideas for education
P Frejd, C Bergsten
ZDM 50, 117-127, 2018
Knowledgeable teacher educators and linking practices
C Bergsten, B Grevholm
International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 4, 221-246, 2008
Preparing pre-service mathematics teachers for STEM education: an analysis of lesson proposals
C Bergsten, P Frejd
ZDM 51 (6), 941-953, 2019
On the influence of theory on research in mathematics education: the case of teaching and learning limits of functions
C Bergsten
ZDM 40, 189-199, 2008
From sense to symbol sense
C Bergsten
First Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education …, 1999
Numbers don’t speak for themselves: Strategies of using numbers in public policy discourse
E Jablonka, C Bergsten
Educational Studies in Mathematics 108 (3), 579-596, 2021
“Much palaver about greater than zero and such stuff”–first year engineering students’ recognition of university mathematics
E Jablonka, H Ashjari, C Bergsten
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 3 …, 2017
Conceptual and procedural approaches to mathematics in the engineering curriculum–comparing views of junior and senior engineering students in two countries
C Bergsten, J Engelbrecht, O Kågesten
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 13 (3), 533-553, 2016
Theorising in mathematics education research: Differences in modes and quality
E Jablonka, C Bergsten
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 15 (1), 25-52, 2010
Conceptual or procedural mathematics for engineering students–views of two qualified engineers from two countries
C Bergsten, J Engelbrecht, O Kågesten
International journal of mathematical education in science and technology 46 …, 2015
Conceptual and procedural approaches to mathematics in the engineering curriculum: views of qualified engineers
J Engelbrecht, C Bergsten, O Kågesten
European Journal of Engineering Education 42 (5), 570-586, 2017
A remark on didactic transposition theory
C Bergsten, E Jablonka, A Klisinska
Mathematics and mathematics education: Cultural and social dimensions …, 2010
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