Edward Cartwright
Edward Cartwright
Professor of Economics, De Montfort University
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Microeconomics and behavior
RH Frank, E Cartwright
McGraw-Hill, 2010
Behavioral economics
E Cartwright
Routledge, 2018
An economic analysis of ransomware and its welfare consequences
J Hernandez-Castro, A Cartwright, E Cartwright
Royal Society open science 7 (3), 190023, 2020
Selfish or servant leadership? Evolutionary predictions on leadership personalities in coordination games
J Gillet, E Cartwright, M Van Vugt
Personality and Individual Differences 51 (3), 231-236, 2011
What do students learn from a classroom experiment: Not much, unless they write a report on it
E Cartwright, A Stepanova
The Journal of Economic Education 43 (1), 48-57, 2012
To pay or not: game theoretic models of ransomware
E Cartwright, J Hernandez Castro, A Cartwright
Journal of Cybersecurity 5 (1), tyz009, 2019
Leadership by example in the weak‐link game
E Cartwright, J Gillet, M Van Vugt
Economic Inquiry 51 (4), 2028-2043, 2013
Behavioral conformity in games with many players
M Wooders, E Cartwright, R Selten
Games and Economic Behavior 57 (2), 347-360, 2006
Cheating to win: Dishonesty and the intensity of competition
E Cartwright, MLC Menezes
Economics Letters 122 (1), 55-58, 2014
A survey of belief-based guilt aversion in trust and dictator games
E Cartwright
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 167, 430-444, 2019
Between a rock and a hard (ening) place: Cyber insurance in the ransomware era
G Mott, S Turner, JRC Nurse, J MacColl, J Sullivan, A Cartwright, ...
Computers & Security 128, 103162, 2023
A comment on framing effects in linear public good games
E Cartwright
Journal of the Economic Science Association 2 (1), 73-84, 2016
Imitation and the incentive to contribute early in a sequential public good game
E Cartwright, A Patel
Journal of Public Economic Theory 12 (4), 691-708, 2010
Ransomware and reputation
A Cartwright, E Cartwright
Games 10 (2), 26, 2019
Impulse balance and framing effects in threshold public good games
E Cartwright, A Stepanova, L Xue
Journal of public economic theory 21 (5), 903-922, 2019
Cascading information on best practice: Cyber security risk management in UK micro and small businesses and the role of IT companies
A Cartwright, E Cartwright, ES Edun
Computers & Security 131, 103288, 2023
Conditional cooperation and the marginal per capita return in public good games
EJ Cartwright, D Lovett
Games 5 (4), 234-256, 2014
How category reporting can improve fundraising
E Cartwright, A Patel
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 87, 73-90, 2013
Full agreement and the provision of threshold public goods
F Alberti, EJ Cartwright
Public Choice 166, 205-233, 2016
Punishment cannot sustain cooperation in a public good game with free-rider anonymity
A Patel, E Cartwright, M Van Vugt
rapport nr.: Working Papers in Economics 451, 2010
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