Ulf G. Indahl
Ulf G. Indahl
Professor in Statistics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
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Software effort estimation by analogy and “regression toward the mean”
M Jørgensen, U Indahl, D Sjøberg
Journal of Systems and Software 68 (3), 253-262, 2003
Classification of dynamic contrast enhanced MR images of cervical cancers using texture analysis and support vector machines
T Torheim, E Malinen, K Kvaal, H Lyng, UG Indahl, EKF Andersen, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (8), 1648-1656, 2014
Canonical partial least squares—a unified PLS approach to classification and regression problems
UG Indahl, KH Liland, T Næs
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 23 (9), 495-504, 2009
Variants of the genes encoding AQP4 and Kir4. 1 are associated with subgroups of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
K Heuser, EA Nagelhus, E Taubøll, U Indahl, PR Berg, S Lien, S Nakken, ...
Epilepsy research 88 (1), 55-64, 2010
From dummy regression to prior probabilities in PLS‐DA
UG Indahl, H Martens, T Næs
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 21 (12), 529-536, 2007
Multivariate strategies for classification based on NIR-spectra—with application to mayonnaise
UG Indahl, NS Sahni, B Kirkhus, T Næs
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 49 (1), 19-31, 1999
Pixel classification methods for identifying and quantifying leaf surface injury from digital images
OMO Kruse, JM Prats-Montalbán, UG Indahl, K Kvaal, A Ferrer, ...
Computers and electronics in Agriculture 108, 155-165, 2014
A twist to partial least squares regression
U Indahl
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 19 (1), 32-44, 2005
Evaluation of alternative spectral feature extraction methods of textural images for multivariate modelling
UG Indahl, T Naes
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 12 (4), 261-278, 1998
Hierarchical Cluster-based Partial Least Squares Regression (HC-PLSR) is an efficient tool for metamodelling of nonlinear dynamic models
K Tøndel, UG Indahl, AB Gjuvsland, JO Vik, P Hunter, SW Omholt, ...
BMC Systems Biology 5, 1-17, 2011
Multivariate feature extraction from textural images of bread
K Kvaal, JP Wold, UG Indahl, P Baardseth, T Næs
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 42 (1-2), 141-158, 1998
A unified description of classical classification methods for multicollinear data
T Næs, U Indahl
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 12 (3), 205-220, 1998
A comparison of methods for fully automatic segmentation of tumors and involved nodes in PET/CT of head and neck cancers
AR Groendahl, IS Knudtsen, BN Huynh, M Mulstad, YM Moe, F Knuth, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 66 (6), 065012, 2021
Land cover segmentation of airborne LiDAR data using stochastic atrous network
HA Arief, GH Strand, H Tveite, UG Indahl
Remote Sensing 10 (6), 973, 2018
Combination of statistical approaches for analysis of 2-DE data gives complementary results
H Grove, BM Jørgensen, F Jessen, I Søndergaard, S Jacobsen, K Hollung, ...
Journal of proteome research 7 (12), 5119-5124, 2008
Powered partial least squares discriminant analysis
KH Liland, UG Indahl
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 23 (1), 7-18, 2009
The geometry of PLS1 explained properly: 10 key notes on mathematical properties of and some alternative algorithmic approaches to PLS1 modelling
UG Indahl
Journal of Chemometrics 28 (3), 168-180, 2014
Pixel‐based analysis of multiple images for the identification of changes: A novel approach applied to unravel proteome patters of 2‐D electrophoresis gel images
EM Færgestad, M Rye, B Walczak, L Gidskehaug, JP Wold, H Grove, ...
Proteomics 7 (19), 3450-3461, 2007
Is the brain water channel aquaporin‐4 a pathogenetic factor in idiopathic intracranial hypertension? Results from a combined clinical and genetic study in a Norwegian cohort
E Kerty, K Heuser, UG Indahl, PR Berg, S Nakken, S Lien, SW Omholt, ...
Acta ophthalmologica 91 (1), 88-91, 2013
Addressing overfitting on point cloud classification using Atrous XCRF
HA Arief, UG Indahl, GH Strand, H Tveite
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 155, 90-101, 2019
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