Magnus Mähring
Cited by
Cited by
Paradoxes and the nature of ambidexterity in IT transformation programs
RW Gregory, M Keil, J Muntermann, M Mähring
Information Systems Research 26 (1), 57-80, 2015
Control Configuration and Control Enactment in Information Systems Projects: Review and Expanded Theoretical Framework
M Wiener, M Mähring, U Remus, C Saunders
MIS Quarterly 40 (3), 741-774, 2016
Trojan actor‐networks and swift translation: Bringing actor‐network theory to IT project escalation studies
M Mähring, J Holmström, M Keil, R Montealegre
Information technology & people 17 (2), 210-238, 2004
Supervising projects you don’t (fully) understand: Lessons for effective project governance by steering committees
C Loch, M Mähring, S Sommer
California management review 59 (2), 45-67, 2017
Effects of information technology failures on the market value of firms
A Bharadwaj, M Keil, M Mähring
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 18 (2), 66-79, 2009
Information technology project escalation: A process model
M Mähring, M Keil
Decision Sciences 39 (2), 239-272, 2008
Reporting bad news on software projects: the effects of culturally constituted views of face‐saving
M Keil, GP Im, M Mähring
Information Systems Journal 17 (1), 59-87, 2007
Visualizing Institutional Logics in Sociomaterial Practices
L Hultin, M Mähring
Information and Organization 24 (3), 129-155, 2014
Visualizing Institutional Logics in Sociomaterial Practices
L Hultin, M Mähring
International Conference on Information Systems, 2013
How practice makes sense in healthcare operations: Studying sensemaking as performative, material-discursive practice
L Hultin, M Mähring
Human Relations 70 (5), 566-593, 2017
IT project governance
M Mähring
EFI at SSE, 2002
Is your project turning into a black hole?
M Keil, M Mähring
California Management Review 53 (1), 6-31, 2010
Managing digital transformation
P Andersson, S Movin, M Mähring, R Teigland, K Wennberg
SSE Institute for Research, Stockholm School of Economics, 2018
Moving IS project control research into the digital era: the “Why” of control and the concept of control purpose
M Wiener, M Mähring, U Remus, C Saunders, WA Cram
Information Systems Research 30 (4), 1387-1401, 2019
To coerce or to enable? Exercising formal control in a large information systems project
J Heumann, M Wiener, U Remus, M Mähring
Journal of Information Technology, 2014
Making IT Project De-Escalation Happen: An Exploration into Key Roles
M Mähring, M Keil, L Mathiassen, J Pries-Heje
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (8), 2008
From trust convergence to trust divergence: Trust development in conflictual interorganizational relationships
A Brattström, D Faems, M Mähring
Organization Studies 40 (11), 1685-1711, 2019
The effective promotion of informal control in information systems offshoring projects
M Wiener, U Remus, J Heumann, M Mähring
European Journal of Information Systems 24 (6), 569-587, 2015
The decentered translation of management ideas: Attending to the conditioning flow of everyday work practices
L Hultin, LD Introna, M Mähring
Human Relations, 0018726719897967, 2020
Lost and gained in translation: Adoption of open source software development at Hewlett-Packard
C Melian, M Mähring
IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems, 93-104, 2008
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Articles 1–20