Yoshikazu Ito
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Cited by
High catalytic activity of nitrogen and sulfur co‐doped nanoporous graphene in the hydrogen evolution reaction
Y Ito, W Cong, T Fujita, Z Tang, M Chen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (7), 2131-2136, 2015
Multifunctional Porous Graphene for High-Efficiency Steam Generation by Heat Localization.
Y Ito, Y Tanabe, J Han, T Fujita, K Tanigaki, M Chen
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 27 (29), 4302-4307, 2015
Nanoporous graphene with single‐atom nickel dopants: an efficient and stable catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen production
HJ Qiu, Y Ito, W Cong, Y Tan, P Liu, A Hirata, T Fujita, Z Tang, M Chen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (47), 14031-14035, 2015
Monolayer MoS2 films supported by 3D nanoporous metals for high-efficiency electrocatalytic hydrogen production.
Y Tan, P Liu, L Chen, W Cong, Y Ito, J Han, X Guo, Z Tang, T Fujita, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 26 (47), 8023-8028, 2014
High‐quality three‐dimensional nanoporous graphene
Y Ito, Y Tanabe, HJ Qiu, K Sugawara, S Heguri, NH Tu, KK Huynh, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (19), 4922-4926, 2014
Bicontinuous nanoporous N-doped graphene for the oxygen reduction reaction.
Y Ito, HJ Qiu, T Fujita, Y Tanabe, K Tanigaki, M Chen
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 26 (24), 4145-4150, 2014
Metal and nonmetal codoped 3D nanoporous graphene for efficient bifunctional electrocatalysis and rechargeable Zn–air batteries
HJ Qiu, P Du, K Hu, J Gao, H Li, P Liu, T Ina, K Ohara, Y Ito, M Chen
Advanced Materials 31 (19), 1900843, 2019
Influence of renewable energy power fluctuations on water electrolysis for green hydrogen production
H Kojima, K Nagasawa, N Todoroki, Y Ito, T Matsui, R Nakajima
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (12), 4572-4593, 2023
3D Nanoporous Nitrogen-Doped Graphene with Encapsulated RuO2 Nanoparticles for Li-O2 Batteries.
X Guo, P Liu, J Han, Y Ito, A Hirata, T Fujita, M Chen
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 27 (40), 6137-6143, 2015
Lithium intercalation into bilayer graphene
K Ji, J Han, A Hirata, T Fujita, Y Shen, S Ning, P Liu, H Kashani, Y Tian, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 275, 2019
Boosting electrochemical water splitting via ternary NiMoCo hybrid nanowire arrays
K Hu, M Wu, S Hinokuma, T Ohto, M Wakisaka, J Fujita, Y Ito
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (5), 2156-2164, 2019
High‐Resolution Electrochemical Mapping of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Transition‐Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets
Y Takahashi, Y Kobayashi, Z Wang, Y Ito, M Ota, H Ida, A Kumatani, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (9), 3601-3608, 2020
Chemically exfoliated ReS2 nanosheets
T Fujita, Y Ito, Y Tan, H Yamaguchi, D Hojo, A Hirata, D Voiry, ...
Nanoscale 6 (21), 12458-12462, 2014
Bicontinuous nanotubular graphene–polypyrrole hybrid for high performance flexible supercapacitors
H Kashani, L Chen, Y Ito, J Han, A Hirata, M Chen
Nano Energy 19, 391-400, 2016
Chemical vapor deposition of N-doped graphene and carbon films: the role of precursors and gas phase
Y Ito, C Christodoulou, MV Nardi, N Koch, H Sachdev, K Mullen
ACS nano 8 (4), 3337-3346, 2014
Effect of Chemical Doping on Cathodic Performance of Bicontinuous Nanoporous Graphene for Li-O2 Batteries.
J Han, X Guo, Y Ito, P Liu, D Hojo, T Aida, A Hirata, T Fujita, T Adschiri, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (3), 2016
Nanoporous ultra-high-entropy alloys containing fourteen elements for water splitting electrocatalysis
ZX Cai, H Goou, Y Ito, T Tokunaga, M Miyauchi, H Abe, T Fujita
Chemical Science 12 (34), 11306-11315, 2021
Chemical Vapor Deposition of Monolayer Mo1−xWxS2 Crystals with Tunable Band Gaps
Z Wang, P Liu, Y Ito, S Ning, Y Tan, T Fujita, A Hirata, M Chen
Scientific reports 6 (1), 21536, 2016
Correlation between Chemical Dopants and Topological Defects in Catalytically Active Nanoporous Graphene.
Y Ito, Y Shen, D Hojo, Y Itagaki, T Fujita, L Chen, T Aida, Z Tang, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 28 (48), 10644-10651, 2016
Acceleration of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate at the Sn/Reduced Graphene Oxide Interface
T Tsujiguchi, Y Kawabe, S Jeong, T Ohto, S Kukunuri, H Kuramochi, ...
Acs Catalysis 11 (6), 3310-3318, 2021
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Articles 1–20