Teresa Eugénio
Cited by
Cited by
How does the market value corporate sustainability performance?
IC Lourenço, MC Branco, JD Curto, T Eugénio
Journal of business ethics 108, 417-428, 2012
Factors influencing the assurance of sustainability reports in the context of the economic crisis in Portugal
M Castelo Branco, C Delgado, S Ferreira Gomes, ...
Managerial Auditing Journal 29 (3), 237-252, 2014
Environmental disclosure in response to public perception of environmental threats: the case of co‐incineration in Portugal
M Castelo Branco, T Eugénio, J Ribeiro
Journal of Communication Management 12 (2), 136-151, 2008
A decade of environmental accounting reporting: What we know?
C Mata, A Fialho, T Eugénio
Journal of Cleaner Production 198, 1198-1209, 2018
Avanços na divulgação de informação social e ambiental pelas empresas e a teoria da legitimidade
TP Eugenio
Revista Universo Contábil 6 (1), 102-118, 2010
Sustainability strategies of the company TimorL: extending the applicability of legitimacy theory
T Pereira Eugénio, I Costa Lourenço, AI Morais
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 24 (5), 570-582, 2013
Recent developments in social and environmental accounting research
T Eugénio, I Costa Lourenço, AI Morais
Social Responsibility Journal 6 (2), 286-305, 2010
Sustainability reporting and assurance in Portugal
SF Gomes, TCP Eugénio, MC Branco
Corporate Governance 15 (3), 281-292, 2015
Recent developments on research in sustainability in higher education management and accounting areas
JA Frizon, T Eugénio
The International Journal of Management Education 20 (3), 100709, 2022
Teaching sustainable development in business sciences degrees: Evidence from Portugal
SF Gomes, S Jorge, T Eugénio
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 12 (3), 611-634, 2021
Contabilidade e gestão ambiental
TCP Eugénio
Contabilidade ambiental
T Eugénio
Editora: Verlag Dashofer, 2011
Social and Environmental Accounting: a case study on a Portuguese cement company
TCP Eugénio
PQDT-Global, 2009
Understanding students' future intention to engage in sustainability accounting: the case of Malaysia and the Philippines
T Eugenio, P Carreira, N Miettinen, IMEC Lourenço
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 12 (4), 695-715, 2022
The financial performance of family versus non-family firms operating in nautical tourism
E Santos, I Lisboa, T Eugénio
Sustainability 14 (3), 1693, 2022
Economic sustainability in wastewater treatment companies: a regional analysis for the Iberian Peninsula
E Santos, I Lisboa, T Eugénio
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 9876, 2021
Verificação aos relatórios de sustentabilidade: Um desafio Para os revisores oficiais de contas
T Eugénio, S Gomes
Revisores e Auditores 61, 36-44, 2013
Is foreign direct investment caring for sustainability? A look in African sub-Saharan countries
RV Martins, E Santos, T Eugénio, A Morais
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 14 (5), 978-1001, 2023
Relatório de Avaliação do Projecto de Reintrodução da Língua Portuguesa (PRLP) em Timor-Leste 2003–2009
LF Barbeiro, JB Ferreira, MA Barreto, P Silva, T Eugênio
Leiria: Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, 2010
Estudo de caso: implementação de contabilidade ambiental
T Eugénio
Instituto International de Costos, 2007
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Articles 1–20