Pieter Maene
Pieter Maene
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Hardware-Based Trusted Computing Architectures for Isolation and Attestation
P Maene, J Götzfried, R De Clercq, T Müller, F Freiling, I Verbauwhede
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 (3), 361-374, 2017
Sancus 2.0: A low-cost security architecture for iot devices
J Noorman, JV Bulck, JT Mühlberg, F Piessens, P Maene, B Preneel, ...
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 20 (3), 1-33, 2017
SOFIA: software and control flow integrity architecture
R De Clercq, J Götzfried, D Übler, P Maene, I Verbauwhede
Computers & Security 68, 16-35, 2017
Single-Cycle Implementations of Block Ciphers
P Maene, I Verbauwhede
International Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy …, 2015
Soteria: Offline software protection within low-cost embedded devices
J Götzfried, T Müller, R De Clercq, P Maene, F Freiling, I Verbauwhede
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2015
Atlas: Application confidentiality in compromised embedded systems
P Maene, J Götzfried, T Müller, R de Clercq, F Freiling, I Verbauwhede
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 16 (3), 415-423, 2018
n-Auth: Mobile Authentication Done Right
R Peeters, J Hermans, P Maene, K Grenman, K Halunen, J Häikiö
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 1-15, 2017
Providing security on demand using invasive computing
G Drescher, C Erhardt, F Freiling, J Götzfried, D Lohmann, P Maene, ...
it-Information Technology 58 (6), 281-295, 2016
Hardware Acceleration of a Software-based VPN
F Turan, R De Clercq, P Maene, O Reparaz, I Verbauwhede
2016 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and …, 2016
A privacy-preserving device tracking system using a low-power wide-area network
T Ashur, J Delvaux, S Lee, P Maene, E Marin, S Nikova, O Reparaz, ...
Cryptology and Network Security: 16th International Conference, CANS 2017 …, 2018
Lightweight Roots of Trust for Modern Systems-on-Chip
P Maene
no. October, 2019
SCM: Secure code memory architecture
R de Clercq, R De Keulenaer, P Maena, B Preneel, B De Sutter, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and …, 2017
A privacy-preserving device tracking system using a Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN)
T Ashur, J Delvaux, S Lee, P Maene, E Marin, S Nikova, O Reparaz, ...
Architectural security for embedded control systems
JT Mühlberg, J Van Bulck, P Maene, J Noorman, B Preneel, ...
Synthesis Results for Single-Cycle Block Ciphers
P Maene, I Verbauwhede
Online verkiezingen in de praktijk: verbetering en toepassing van het Helios verkiezingssysteem
P Maene
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Articles 1–16