Ali Mojaddam Zadeh
Ali Mojaddam Zadeh
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Injectivity and gravity segregation in WAG and SWAG enhanced oil recovery
A Faisal, K Bisdom, B Zhumabek, A Mojaddam Zadeh, WR Rossen
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-124197-MS, 2009
Optimal inflow control devices configurations for oil rim reservoirs
A Mojaddam Zadeh, PA Slotte, AJ Gyllensten, R Aasheim, K Årland
Offshore Technology Conference, OTC-22963-MS, 2012
Improving injectivity to fight gravity segregation in gas enhanced oil recovery
M Jamshidnezhad, C Shen, P Kool, A Mojaddam Zadeh, WR Rossen
SPE Journal 15 (01), 91-104, 2010
Closed-loop feedback control in intelligent wells: application to a heterogeneous, thin oil-rim reservoir in the North Sea
FA Dilib, MD Jackson, AM Zadeh, R Aasheim, K Årland, AJ Gyllensten, ...
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 18 (01), 69-83, 2015
Visualization of Natural Convection Flow of (Sub-) and (Super-) Critical CO2 in Aqueous and Oleic Systems by Applying Schlieren Method
R Khosrokhavar, G Elsinga, A Mojaddam, R Farajzadeh, J Bruining
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-143264-MS, 2011
CO2-EOR and Storage Potentials in Depleted Reservoirs in the Norwegian Continental Shelf NCS
E Imanovs, S Krevor, A Mojaddam Zadeh
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, D011S002R002, 2020
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