Matti Nelimarkka
Matti Nelimarkka
University of Helsinki & Aalto University
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The datafication of hate: expectations and challenges in automated hate speech monitoring
SM Laaksonen, J Haapoja, T Kinnunen, M Nelimarkka, R Pöyhtäri
Frontiers in big Data 3, 3, 2020
Facebook is not a silver bullet for teachers’ professional development: Anatomy of an eight-year-old social-media community
M Nelimarkka, T Leinonen, E Durall, P Dean
Computers & Education 173, 104269, 2021
Social media is polarized, social media is polarized: towards a new design agenda for mitigating polarization
M Nelimarkka, SM Laaksonen, B Semaan
Proceedings of the 2018 designing interactive systems conference, 957-970, 2018
Refugee debate and networked framing in the hybrid media environment
R Pöyhtäri, M Nelimarkka, K Nikunen, M Ojala, M Pantti, J Pääkkönen
International Communication Gazette 83 (1), 81-102, 2021
Comparing Three Online Civic Engagement Platforms using the “Spectrum of Public Participation” Framework
M Nelimarkka, B Nonnecke, S Krishnan, T Aitamurto, D Catterson, ...
Internet, Policy and Politics, 2014
Affective economy of national-populist images: Investigating national and transnational online networks through visual big data
J Hokka, M Nelimarkka
New Media & Society 22 (5), 770-792, 2020
The design of pseudo-participation
V Palacin, M Nelimarkka, P Reynolds-Cuéllar, C Becker
Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020-Participation …, 2020
Working the fields of big data: Using big-data-augmented online ethnography to study candidate–candidate interaction at election time
SM Laaksonen, M Nelimarkka, M Tuokko, M Marttila, A Kekkonen, M Villi
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 14 (2), 110-131, 2017
A review of research on participation in democratic decision-making presented at SIGCHI conferences. Toward an improved trading zone between political science and HCI
M Nelimarkka
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-29, 2019
Bureaucracy as a lens for analyzing and designing algorithmic systems
J Pääkkönen, M Nelimarkka, J Haapoja, A Lampinen
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Platformed interactions: How social media platforms relate to candidate–constituent interaction during Finnish 2015 election campaigning
M Nelimarkka, SM Laaksonen, M Tuokko, T Valkonen
Social Media+ Society 6 (2), 2056305120903856, 2020
The meanings of racism: Public discourses about racism in Finnish news media and online discussion forums
M Pantti, M Nelimarkka, K Nikunen, G Titley
European Journal of Communication 34 (5), 503-519, 2019
(Re) Design to Mitigate Political Polarization: Reflecting Habermas' ideal communication space in the United States of America and Finland
M Nelimarkka, JP Rancy, J Grygiel, B Semaan
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-25, 2019
Measuring social relations with multiple datasets
J Karikoski, M Nelimarkka
International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 1 (1 …, 2011
Affective practice of soldiering: How sharing images is used to spread extremist and racist ethos on Soldiers of Odin Facebook site
K Nikunen, J Hokka, M Nelimarkka
Television & New Media 22 (2), 166-185, 2021
Social help-seeking strategies in a programming MOOC
M Nelimarkka, A Hellas
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2018
Alumni & tenured participants in MOOCs: Analysis of two years of MOOC discussion channel activity
M Nelimarkka, A Vihavainen
Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 85-93, 2015
Aihemallinnus sekä muut ohjaamattomat koneoppimismenetelmät yhteiskuntatieteellisessä tutkimuksessa: kriittisiä havaintoja
M Nelimarkka
Politiikka 61 (1), 6-33, 2019
Remediation in the hybrid media environment: Understanding countermedia in context
P Toivanen, M Nelimarkka, K Valaskivi
New media & society 24 (9), 2127-2152, 2022
Measuring social relations: case otasizzle
J Karikoski, M Nelimarkka
2010 IEEE second international conference on social computing, 257-263, 2010
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