Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D.
Director, PublicVR
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Game engines
M Lewis, J Jacobson
Communications of the ACM 45 (1), 27, 2002
Introduction: Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education
CJ Dede, J Jacobson, J Richards
Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education, 1-16, 2017
Game engine virtual reality with CaveUT
J Jacobson, M Lewis
Computer 38 (4), 79-82, 2005
Unreal tournament for immersive interactive theater
J Jacobson, Z Hwang
Communications of the ACM 45 (1), 39-42, 2002
The virtual egyptian temple
J Jacobson, L Holden, F Studios, CA Toronto
World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED …, 2005
The CaveUT system: immersive entertainment based on a game engine
J Jacobson, M Le Renard, JL Lugrin, M Cavazza
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in …, 2005
Virtual Heritage: Living in the Past.
J Jacobsen, L Holden
Technè: Research in Philosophy & Technology 10 (3), 2007
Balance NAVE: a virtual reality facility for research and rehabilitation of balance disorders
J Jacobson, MS Redfern, JM Furman, SL Whitney, PJ Sparto, JB Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology …, 2001
The potential use of virtual reality in vestibular rehabilitation: preliminary findings with the BNAVE
SL Whitney, PJ Sparto, KE Brown, JM Furman, JL Jacobson, MS Redfern
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 26 (2), 72, 2002
Intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality art
M Cavazza, JL Lugrin, S Hartley, M Le Renard, A Nandi, J Jacobson, ...
Computers & Graphics 29 (6), 852-861, 2005
Using" CaveUT" to build immersive displays with the unreal tournament engine and a PC cluster
J Jacobson
Proceedings of the 2003 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 221-222, 2003
Narrative and content combine in a learning game for virtual heritage
J Jacobson, K Handron, L Holden
Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010
Authenticity in immersive design for education
J Jacobson
Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education, 35-54, 2017
Digital dome versus desktop display in an educational game: Gates of Horus
J Jacobson
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS) 3 …, 2011
Ancient Architecture in Virtual Reality: Does immersion really aid learning
J Jacobson
Doctoral Thesis, School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh …, 2008
The virtual pompeii project
J Jacobson, J Vadnal
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2005
An experimental comparison of three methods for collision handling in virtual environments
J Jacobson, M Lewis
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings 41 (22 …, 1997
An exemplar of Ptolemaic egyptian temples
J Troche, J Jacobson
Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA), Granada, Spain, 2010
Ancient architecture in virtual reality; Does visual immersion really aid learning
J Jacobson
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, School of Information Sciences …, 2008
Immersive displays for education using CaveUT
J Jacobson, M Ellis, S Ellis, L Seethaler
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 4525-4530, 2005
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