Rashid A. Saeed
Rashid A. Saeed
Professor, Taif University
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Cited by
A review on security threats, vulnerabilities, and counter measures of 5G enabled Internet‐of‐Medical‐Things
MK Hasan, TM Ghazal, RA Saeed, B Pandey, H Gohel, AA Eshmawi, ...
IET communications 16 (5), 421-432, 2022
Machine learning technologies for secure vehicular communication in internet of vehicles: recent advances and applications
ES Ali, MK Hasan, R Hassan, RA Saeed, MB Hassan, S Islam, NS Nafi, ...
Security and Communication Networks 2021 (1), 8868355, 2021
Developing a standard for TV white space coexistence: Technical challenges and solution approaches
T Baykas, M Kasslin, M Cummings, H Kang, J Kwak, R Paine, A Reznik, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 19 (1), 10-22, 2012
A systematic review on cognitive radio in low power wide area network for industrial IoT applications
N Nurelmadina, MK Hasan, I Memon, RA Saeed, KA Zainol Ariffin, ES Ali, ...
Sustainability 13 (1), 338, 2021
Internet of vehicle's resource management in 5G networks using AI technologies: Current status and trends
NM Elfatih, MK Hasan, Z Kamal, D Gupta, RA Saeed, ES Ali, MS Hosain
IET Communications 16 (5), 400-420, 2022
LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications
RA Saeed, BS Chaudhari, M Zennaro
Academic Press (Chapters 6 &10), 2020
Resource allocation in next-generation broadband wireless access networks (Chapter 11 Fault Tracking Framework for Software-Defined Networking (SDN))"
RA Saeed, C Singhal, ...
Resource allocation in next-generation broadband wireless access networks …, 2017
Modelling of flow-induced stresses in a Francis turbine runner
RA Saeed, AN Galybin, V Popov
Advances in Engineering Software 41 (12), 1245-1255, 2010
Optimal path planning for drones based on swarm intelligence algorithm
RA Saeed, M Omri, S Abdel-Khalek, ES Ali, MF Alotaibi
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (12), 10133-10155, 2022
A survey of big data cloud computing security
ESA Ahmed, RA Saeed
International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJCSSE …, 2014
Analysis and challenges of robust E-exams performance under COVID-19
FRA Ahmed, TE Ahmed, RA Saeed, H Alhumyani, S Abdel-Khalek, ...
Results in Physics 23, 103987, 2021
Mobility routing model for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), smart city scenarios
M Abdelgadir, RA Saeed, A Babiker
Vehicular Communications 9, 154-161, 2017
TV white space spectrum technologies: Regulations, standards, and applications
RA Saeed, SJ Shellhammer
CRC press, 2016
Industry 5.0: Ethereum blockchain technology based DApp smart contract
C Rupa, D Midhunchakkaravarthy, MK Hasan, H Alhumyani, RA Saeed
Math. Biosci. Eng 18 (5), 7010-7027, 2021
Dynamic packet beaconing for GPSR mobile ad hoc position-based routing protocol using fuzzy logic
R Alsaqour, M Abdelhaq, R Saeed, M Uddin, O Alsukour, M Al-Hubaishi, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 47, 32-46, 2015
Optimizing energy consumption for cloud internet of things
ZE Ahmed, MK Hasan, RA Saeed, R Hassan, S Islam, RA Mokhtar, ...
Frontiers in Physics 8, 358, 2020
Optimal deep learning based fusion model for biomedical image classification
RF Mansour, NM Alfar, S Abdel‐Khalek, M Abdelhaq, RA Saeed, ...
Expert Systems 39 (3), e12764, 2022
NB-IoT: Concepts, applications, and deployment challenges
MB Hassan, ES Ali, RA Mokhtar, RA Saeed, BS Chaudhari
LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications, 119-144, 2020
Enhanced differential crossover and quantum particle swarm optimization for IoT applications
SN Ghorpade, M Zennaro, BS Chaudhari, RA Saeed, H Alhumyani, ...
IEEE Access 9, 93831-93846, 2021
Machine learning in cyber-physical systems in industry 4.0
RS Ahmed, ESA Ahmed, RA Saeed
Artificial intelligence paradigms for smart cyber-physical systems, 20-41, 2021
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Articles 1–20