John Fredrik Strøm
John Fredrik Strøm
Institute of Marine Research
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Cited by
Ocean predation and mortality of adult Atlantic salmon
JF Strøm, AH Rikardsen, SE Campana, D Righton, J Carr, K Aarestrup, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7890, 2019
Revealing the full ocean migration of individual Atlantic salmon
JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, RD Hedger, AH Rikardsen
Animal Biotelemetry 6, 1-16, 2018
Ocean migration of pop-up satellite archival tagged Atlantic salmon from the Miramichi River in Canada
JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, G Chafe, SH Sørbye, D Righton, AH Rikardsen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (5), 1356-1370, 2017
Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon
AH Rikardsen, D Righton, JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, P Gargan, T Sheehan, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 12266, 2021
Diving behaviour of Atlantic salmon at sea: effects of light regimes and temperature stratification
RD Hedger, AH Rikardsen, JF Strøm, DA Righton, EB Thorstad, TF Næsje
Marine Ecology Progress Series 574, 127-140, 2017
Thermal habitat of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in a warming ocean
JF Strøm, EB Thorstad, AH Rikardsen
Journal of Fish Biology 96 (2), 327-336, 2020
Climate warming is predicted to enhance the negative effects of harvesting on high‐latitude lake fish
A Smalås, JF Strøm, PA Amundsen, U Dieckmann, R Primicerio
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (2), 270-282, 2020
Behavior and thermal environment of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in the North Pacific Ocean, elucidated from pop-up satellite archival tags
MB Courtney, MD Evans, JF Strøm, AH Rikardsen, AC Seitz
Environmental Biology of Fishes 102, 1039-1055, 2019
Sea trout Salmo trutta in the subarctic: home‐bound but large variation in migratory behaviour between and within populations
JF Strøm, JLA Jensen, A Nikolopoulos, E Nordli, PA Bjørn, T Bøhn
Journal of fish biology 99 (4), 1280-1291, 2021
The association between parasite infection and growth rates in Arctic charr: do fast growing fish have more parasites?
EH Henriksen, A Smalås, JF Strøm, R Knudsen
Hydrobiologia 840, 261-270, 2019
Behavioural responses of wild anadromous Arctic char experimentally infested in situ with salmon lice
JF Strøm, PA Bjørn, EE Bygdnes, L Kristiansen, B Skjold, T Bøhn
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (6), 1853-1863, 2022
Micro- and macro-habitat selection of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, post-smolts in relation to marine environmental cues
JLA Jensen, JF Strøm, A Nikolopoulos, R Primicerio, J Skarðhamar, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (4), 1394-1407, 2022
Movement diversity and partial sympatry of coastal and Northeast Arctic cod ecotypes at high latitudes
JF Strøm, T Bøhn, JE Skjæraasen, KØ Gjelland, Ø Karlsen, T Johansen, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (10), 1966-1978, 2023
Ecological interactions between farmed Atlantic salmon and wild Atlantic cod populations in Norway: A review of risk sources and knowledge gaps
T Bøhn, JF Strøm, P Sanchez‐Jerez, NB Keeley, T Johansen, KØ Gjelland, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture, 2024
Marine food consumption by adult Atlantic salmon and energetic impacts of increased ocean temperatures caused by climate change
JF Strøm, O Ugedal, AH Rikardsen, EB Thorstad
Hydrobiologia 850 (14), 3077-3089, 2023
Ocean migration of Atlantic salmon
JF Strøm
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2018
Behaviour and habitat use of first-time migrant Arctic charr: novel insights from a subarctic marine area
E Nordli, JF Strøm, T Bøhn, EB Thorstad, RM Serra-Llinares, R Nilsen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 709, 77-90, 2023
Diving and feeding of adult Atlantic salmon when migrating through the coastal zone in Norway
RD Hedger, M Kjellman, EB Thorstad, JF Strøm, AH Rikardsen
Environmental Biology of Fishes 105 (5), 589-604, 2022
The Blackthorn's Awakening: An investigation of The Stormlight Archive as a work of postcolonial high fantasy
K Bjerkholt, DIJ Hals, HE Brevik, KO Skeide, NE Neuman, ...
University of Agder, 2023
The use of estuaries and marine migration of sea trout in the English Channel inferred from acoustic and data storage tags
C Artero, JF Strøm, E Reveillac, R Lauridsen
The SAMARCH Project International Salmonid Coastal and Marine Telemetry …, 2019
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Articles 1–20