Nicole D. Montijn
Nicole D. Montijn
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Mnemonic construction and representation of temporal structure in the hippocampal formation
JLS Bellmund, L Deuker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
Nature communications 13 (1), 3395, 2022
Forgetting the future: Emotion improves memory for imagined future events in healthy individuals but not individuals with anxiety
ND Montijn, L Gerritsen, IM Engelhard
Psychological Science 32 (4), 587-597, 2021
Structuring time: The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across experiences
JLS Bellmund, L Deuker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
bioRxiv, 2021.04. 23.440002, 2021
The effect of stress on memory for temporal context
ND Montijn, L Gerritsen, IM Engelhard
BioRxiv, 2021.04. 23.441105, 2021
Positive future thinking without task-relevance increases anxiety and frontal stress regulation
ND Montijn, L Gerritsen, D van Son, IM Engelhard
Biological Psychology 182, 108620, 2023
The rosy future paradox: Positive future thinking without task relevance enhances negative biases and anxiety for aversive events
ND Montijn, L Gerritsen, D van Son, IM Engelhard
bioRxiv, 2022.01. 03.474768, 2022
The ghosts of the past and future: the propagation of anxious beliefs in episodic memory
ND Montijn
Utrecht University, 2024
The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across experiences
JLS Bellmund, L Deuker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), 2022
The hippocampus constructs sequence memories that generalize temporal relations across sequences
JLS Bellmund, L Denker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
28th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
Interval-scale sequence memories in the hippocampus generalize temporal structure across sequences
JLS Bellmund, L Denker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
Society for Neuroscience Global Connectome 2021, 2021
Sequence memories in the hippocampal-entorhinal region scale to temporal reference frames
JLS Bellmund, L Deuker, ND Montijn, CF Doeller
Context and Episodic Memory Symposium (CEMS), 2020
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Articles 1–11