Dan Goldhaber
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Does teacher certification matter? High school teacher certification status and student achievement
DD Goldhaber, DJ Brewer
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 22 (2), 129-145, 2000
Can teacher quality be effectively assessed? National board certification as a signal of effective teaching
D Goldhaber, E Anthony
The Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (1), 134-150, 2007
Why don't schools and teachers seem to matter? Assessing the impact of unobservables on educational productivity
DD Goldhaber, DJ Brewer
Journal of Human resources, 505-523, 1997
The mystery of good teaching
D Goldhaber
Education next 2 (1), 50-55, 2002
Do teachers' race, gender, and ethnicity matter? Evidence from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988
RG Ehrenberg, DD Goldhaber, DJ Brewer
ILR Review 48 (3), 547-561, 1995
Evaluating the effect of teacher degree level on educational performance.
DD Goldhaber, DJ Brewer
Uneven playing field? Assessing the teacher quality gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students
D Goldhaber, L Lavery, R Theobald
Educational researcher 44 (5), 293-307, 2015
The effect of certification and preparation on teacher quality
D Boyd, D Goldhaber, H Lankford, J Wyckoff
The Future of children, 45-68, 2007
Everyone’s doing it, but what does teacher testing tell us about teacher effectiveness?
D Goldhaber
Journal of human Resources 42 (4), 765-794, 2007
Feeling the Florida heat? How low-performing schools respond to voucher and accountability pressure
CE Rouse, J Hannaway, D Goldhaber, D Figlio
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (2), 251-281, 2013
Teacher career paths, teacher quality, and persistence in the classroom: Are public schools keeping their best?
D Goldhaber, B Gross, D Player
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30 (1), 57-87, 2011
The gateway to the profession: Assessing teacher preparation programs based on student achievement
D Goldhaber, S Liddle, R Theobald
Economics of Education Review 34, 29-44, 2013
Missing elements in the discussion of teacher shortages
J Cowan, D Goldhaber, K Hayes, R Theobald
Educational Researcher 45 (8), 460-462, 2016
Building a more complete understanding of teacher evaluation using classroom observations
J Cohen, D Goldhaber
Educational Researcher 45 (6), 378-387, 2016
A three-way error components analysis of educational productivity
DD Goldhader, DJ Brewer, DJ Anderson
Education Economics 7 (3), 199-208, 1999
School choice: An examination of the empirical evidence on achievement, parental decision making, and equity
DD Goldhaber
Educational researcher 28 (9), 16-25, 1999
Race, gender, and teacher testing: How informative a tool is teacher licensure testing?
D Goldhaber, M Hansen
American Educational Research Journal 47 (1), 218-251, 2010
Evaluating teachers: The important role of value-added
Brown Center on Education Policy. Task Group on Teacher Quality, ...
Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings 201 (0), 2010
Public and private high schools: Is school choice an answer to the productivity problem?
DD Goldhaber
Economics of Education Review 15 (2), 93-109, 1996
Understanding and addressing teacher shortages in the United States
TS Dee, D Goldhaber
The Hamilton Project 5, 1-28, 2017
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