Rani V R
Rani V R
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Satellite-based assessment of the August 2018 flood in parts of Kerala, India
CL Vishnu, KS Sajinkumar, T Oommen, RA Coffman, KP Thrivikramji, ...
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019
Weathering and landslide occurrences in parts of Western Ghats, Kerala
KS Sajinkumar, S Anbazhagan, AP Pradeepkumar, VR Rani
Journal of the Geological Society of India 78, 249-257, 2011
Furthering the precision of RUSLE soil erosion with PSInSAR data: An innovative model
J Aswathi, KS Sajinkumar, A Rajaneesh, T Oommen, EH Bouali, ...
Geocarto International 37 (27), 16108-16131, 2022
A paradigm quantitative approach for a regional risk assessment and management in a few landslide prone hamlets along the windward slope of Western Ghats, India
KS Sajinkumar, S Anbazhagan, VR Rani, C Muraleedharan
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 7, 142-153, 2014
A composite fall-slippage model for cliff recession in the sedimentary coastal cliffs
KS Sajinkumar, JP Kannan, GK Indu, C Muraleedharan, VR Rani
Geoscience Frontiers 8 (4), 903-914, 2017
Urbanization and its effects on water resources: Scenario of a tropical river basin in South India
SP Prasood, MV Mukesh, VR Rani, KS Sajinkumar, KP Thrivikramji
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23, 100556, 2021
Effect of quarrying on the slope stability in Banasuramala: an offshoot valley of Western Ghats, Kerala, India
KS Sajinkumar, G Sankar, VR Rani, P Sundarajan
Environmental earth sciences 72, 2333-2344, 2014
Geomorphology and its implication in urban groundwater environment: case study from Mumbai, India
VR Rani, HS Pandalai, KS Sajinkumar, AP Pradeepkumar
Applied Water Science 5, 137-151, 2015
Catastrophic flood of August 2018, Kerala, India: Study of partitioning role of lineaments in modulating flood level using remote sensing data
CL Vishnu, VR Rani, KS Sajinkumar, T Oommen, FL Bonali, S Pareeth, ...
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 20, 100426, 2020
Study of a partially failed landslide and delineation of piping phenomena by vertical electrical sounding (VES) in the Wayanad Plateau, Kerala, India
KS Sajinkumar, R Castedo, P Sundarajan, VR Rani
Natural Hazards 75, 755-778, 2015
Hydrogeochemistry and spatio-temporal changes of a tropical coastal wetland system: Veli-Akkulam Lake, Thiruvananthapuram, India
KS Sajinkumar, A Revathy, VR Rani
Applied Water Science 7, 1521-1534, 2017
Migrating rivers, consequent paleochannels: The unlikely partners and hotspots of flooding
KS Sajinkumar, A Arya, A Rajaneesh, T Oommen, AP Yunus, VR Rani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 807, 150842, 2022
Improved rainfall threshold for landslides in data sparse and diverse geomorphic milieu: a cluster analysis based approach
KS Sajinkumar, S Rinu, T Oommen, CL Vishnu, KR Praveen, VR Rani, ...
Natural Hazards 103, 639-657, 2020
Soil moisture deficit induced changes in antioxidant defense mechanism of sugarcane varieties differing in maturity
AS Pooja, M Nandwal, A Chand, B Kumari, V Rani, NK Goel
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (3), 56-61, 2020
The Tertiary sequence of Varkala coastal cliffs, southwestern India: An ideal site for Global Geopark
KS Sajinkumar, M Santosh, VR Rani, S Anand, AP Pradeepkumar, ...
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 10 (2), 308-321, 2022
A study on landslides and subsurface piping, facilitated by dykes, using vertical electrical sounding and δO18 and δH2 stable isotopes
KS Sajinkumar, C Unnikrishnan Warrier, C Muraleedharan, ...
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 76, 1297-1306, 2017
Contrasting anthropogenically influenced landslides in two different terrain conditions in the southwestern part of Peninsular India
KS Sajinkumar, VR Rani
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 2: Landslide Processes …, 2015
Impact of River Sand Mining on the Groundwater Regime in Kerala-An Overview
P Nandakumaran, TSA Shyam, M Chandran, VR Rani, G Srinath, ...
E. &. PA Shaji, ed. Mineral Resources of Kerala. Dept of Geology Univ of …, 2014
Satellite-based assessment of the August 2018 flood in parts of Kerala, India. Geomat Nat Haz Risk 10 (1): 758–767
CL Vishnu, KS Sajinkumar, T Oommen, RA Coffman, KP Thrivikramji, ...
Satellite-based assessment of the August 2018 flood in parts of Kerala, India. Geomat Nat Hazards Risk 10: 758–767
CL Vishnu, KS Sajinkumar, T Oommen, RA Coffman, KP Thrivikramji, ...
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