Ping Liang
Ping Liang
RF DSP Inc. & Cellular Nanomed Inc.
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Cited by
Neural network fundamentals with graphs, algorithms, and applications
P Liang, NK Bose
Mac Graw-Hill, 1996
Internet and computer information retrieval and mining with intelligent conceptual filtering, visualization and automation
P Liang
US Patent App. 11/263,349, 2006
Externally controlled on-demand release of anti-HIV drug using magneto-electric nanoparticles as carriers
M Nair, R Guduru, P Liang, J Hong, V Sagar, S Khizroev
Nature communications 4, 1707, 2013
Advanced search, file system, and intelligent assistant agent
P Liang
US Patent App. 11/024,324, 2005
Targeted and controlled anticancer drug delivery and release with magnetoelectric nanoparticles
A Rodzinski, R Guduru, P Liang, A Hadjikhani, T Stewart, E Stimphil, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 20867, 2016
Internet and computer information retrieval and mining with intelligent conceptual filtering, visualization and automation
P Liang
US Patent App. 11/263,194, 2006
Coordination architecture for wireless communication devices using multiple protocols
M Chen, P Liang
US Patent 7,233,602, 2007
A method for broadband full-duplex MIMO radio
Y Hua, P Liang, Y Ma, AC Cirik, Q Gao
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (12), 793-796, 2012
Advanced search, file system, and intelligent assistant agent
P Liang
US Patent App. 11/024,098, 2005
Magneto-electric nanoparticles to enable field-controlled high-specificity drug delivery to eradicate ovarian cancer cells
R Guduru, P Liang, C Runowicz, M Nair, V Atluri, S Khizroev
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2953, 2013
Advanced search, file system, and intelligent assistant agent
P Liang
US Patent App. 11/024,325, 2005
Magneto-electric nano-particles for non-invasive brain stimulation
K Yue, R Guduru, J Hong, P Liang, M Nair, S Khizroev
PloS one 7 (9), e44040, 2012
P., Nair, M., and Khizroev, S.(2012). Magneto-electric nano-particles for non-invasive brain stimulation
K Yue, R Guduru, L HongJeongmin
PLoS ONE 7 (9), e44040, 0
P., Nair, M., and Khizroev, S.(2012). Magneto-electric nano-particles for non-invasive brain stimulation
K Yue, R Guduru, L HongJeongmin
PLoS ONE 7 (9), e44040, 0
Magnetoelectric ‘spin’on stimulating the brain
R Guduru, P Liang, J Hong, A Rodzinski, A Hadjikhani, J Horstmyer, ...
Nanomedicine 10 (13), 2051-2061, 2015
Small cell in-band wireless backhaul in massive MIMO systems: A cooperation of next-generation techniques
B Li, D Zhu, P Liang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (12), 7057-7069, 2015
Collision rectification in wireless communication devices
M Chen, P Liang
US Patent 7,177,294, 2007
On the matrix inversion approximation based on Neumann series in massive MIMO systems
D Zhu, B Li, P Liang
2015 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1763-1769, 2015
Stability of synchronized distributed control of discrete swarm structures
K Jin, P Liang, G Beni
Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 1994
Computational geometric methods in volumetric intersection for 3D reconstruction
P Srinivasan, P Liang, S Hackwood
Pattern Recognition 23 (8), 843-857, 1990
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Articles 1–20