Dusan Jovanovic
Dusan Jovanovic
Institute of Physics, University Belgrade
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Compressive coherent structures at ion scales in the slow solar wind
D Perrone, O Alexandrova, A Mangeney, M Maksimovic, C Lacombe, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 826 (2), 196, 2016
Nonlinear model for coherent electric field structures in the magnetosphere
D Jovanović, PK Shukla
Physical Review Letters 84 (19), 4373, 2000
Effects of the parallel electron dynamics and finite ion temperature on the plasma blob propagation in the scrape-off layer
D Jovanović, PK Shukla, F Pegoraro
Physics of Plasmas 15 (11), 2008
Magnetic field depression within electron holes
IY Vasko, OV Agapitov, F Mozer, AV Artemyev, D Jovanovic
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (7), 2123-2129, 2015
Nonlinear model for electron phase‐space holes in magnetized space plasmas
D Jovanović, PK Shukla, L Stenflo, F Pegoraro
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A7), SMP 15-1-SMP 15-6, 2002
Coupling between nonlinear Langmuir waves and electron holes in quantum plasmas
D Jovanović, R Fedele
Physics Letters A 364 (3-4), 304-312, 2007
Acoustic-gravity nonlinear structures
D Jovanovic, L Stenflo, PK Shukla
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 9 (3/4), 333-339, 2002
Nonlinear theory for dust voids in plasmas
D Jovanović, PK Shukla
Physics Letters A 308 (5-6), 369-374, 2003
Tripolar shear-Alfvén vortex structures
D Jovanović, F Pegoraro, JJ Rasmussen
Journal of plasma physics 60 (2), 383-391, 1998
Quantum ring solitons and nonlocal effects in plasma wake field excitations
R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, D Jovanović, PK Shukla
Physics of Plasmas 19 (10), 2012
Vortices associated with toroidal ion‐temperature‐gradient‐driven fluctuations
W Horton, D Jovanović, JJ Rasmussen
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (10), 3336-3343, 1992
The stability of propagating slab electron holes in a magnetized plasma
D Jovanović, H Schamel
Physics of Plasmas 9 (12), 5079-5087, 2002
Nonlinear magnetic chains associated with plasma flow
J Vranješ, D Jovanović
Physics of Plasmas 3 (6), 2275-2279, 1996
Kinetic vortex chain solution in the drift-wave plasma regime
D Jovanović, F Pegoraro
Physical Review Letters 84 (1), 95, 2000
Drift waves in plasmas with sheared flows
J Vranješ, D Jovanović, PK Shukla
Physics of Plasmas 5 (12), 4300-4304, 1998
Modified convective cells in plasmas
D JOVANOVlCf, HL Pecseli, JJ Rasmussen
Three dimensional double layers in magnetized plasmas
D Jovanović, JP Lynov, P Michelsen, HL Pecseli, JJ Rasmussen, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 9 (9), 1049-1052, 1982
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D Jovanović, R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, M Belić
Eur. Phys. J. B 60 (3), 363-368, 2007
Generation of quasi-stationary magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas
D Jovanović, S Vuković
Physica B+ C 125 (3), 369-376, 1984
1D stability analysis of filtering and controlling the solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
S De Nicola, R Fedele, D Jovanovic, B Malomed, MA Man'Ko, VI Man'Ko, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 54, 113-119, 2006
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