Kevin Arthur
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Cited by
Walking> walking-in-place> flying, in virtual environments
M Usoh, K Arthur, MC Whitton, R Bastos, A Steed, M Slater, FP Brooks Jr
Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1999
Fish tank virtual reality
C Ware, K Arthur, KS Booth
Proceedings of the INTERACT'93 and CHI'93 conference on Human factors in …, 1993
Evaluating 3d task performance for fish tank virtual worlds
KW Arthur, KS Booth, C Ware
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 11 (3), 239-265, 1993
Effects of field of view on task performance with head-mounted displays
K Arthur
Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 29-30, 1996
Virtual space teleconferencing using a sea of cameras
H Fuchs, G Bishop, K Arthur, L McMillan, R Bajcsy, S Lee, H Farid, ...
Proc. First International Conference on Medical Robotics and Computer …, 1994
Method of adjustments versus method of constant stimuli in the quantification of accuracy and precision of rendered depth in head-mounted displays
JP Rolland, C Meyer, K Arthur, E Rinalducci
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 11 (6), 610-625, 2002
Designing and building the pit: a head-tracked stereo workspace for two users
K Arthur, T Preston, R Taylor, F Brooks, M Whitton, W Wright
2nd International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, 11-12, 1998
Input device and method for adjusting a parameter of an electronic system
K Arthur, WR Mason III, SP Day
US Patent 8,174,504, 2012
Combined touchpad and keypad using force input
K Arthur, J Shao
US Patent 9,335,844, 2016
Evaluating touch gestures for scrolling on notebook computers
KW Arthur, N Matic, P Ausbeck
CHI'08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2943-2948, 2008
Projection surface with reflective elements for non-visible light
M Haskin, K Velusamy, N Yao, RW Sjoberg, V Kamarshi, KW Arthur
US Patent 9,041,691, 2015
Depth judgments in a see-through head-mounted display
JP Rolland, K Arthur
Head-Mounted Displays II 3058, 66-76, 1997
User face capture in projection-based systems
KW Arthur, M Haskin
US Patent 9,065,972, 2015
3D task performance using head-coupled stereo displays
KW Arthur
university of british columbia, 1993
User face capture in projection-based systems
KW Arthur, M Haskin
US Patent 9,531,995, 2016
Effects of field of view on performance with head-mounted displays
KW Arthur, FP Brooks Jr
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000
A Study of One-and Two-Finger Scrolling Gestures on TouchPads
K Arthur, N Matic
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Articles 1–17