Paolo Sestito
Paolo Sestito
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Earnings dispersion, low pay and household poverty in Italy, 1977-1998
A Brandolini, P Cipollone, P Sestito
The Economics of Rising Inequalities, 2002
Il mercato del lavoro in Italia: com'e, come sta cambiando
P Sestito
Laterza, 2002
Geographic labour mobility and the cost of housing: evidence from Italy
L Cannari, F Nucci, P Sestito
Applied Economics 32 (14), 1899-1906, 2000
The determinants of teacher mobility: Evidence using Italian teachers’ transfer applications
G Barbieri, C Rossetti, P Sestito
Economics of education review 30 (6), 1430-1444, 2011
Le vie dello sviluppo: dall'analisi del dualismo territoriale una proposta per il Mezzogiorno
G Bodo, P Sestito
Il mulino, 1991
Il capitale umano:[come far fruttare i talenti]
P Cipollone, P Sestito
Il mulino, 2010
Temporary workers in Italy: Who are they and where they end up
G Barbieri, P Sestito
Labour 22 (1), 127-166, 2008
Disoccupati in Italia: Tra Stato, Regioni e cacciatori di teste
S Pirrone, P Sestito
Il mulino, 2006
Labour market for teachers: demographic characteristics and allocative mechanisms
G Barbieri, P Cipollone, P Sestito
Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia, 335-373, 2007
My parents taught Me. Evidence on the family transmission of values
G Albanese, G De Blasio, P Sestito
Journal of Population Economics 29, 571-592, 2016
Downward wage rigidity in Italy: micro‐based measures and implications
F Devicienti, A Maida, P Sestito
The Economic Journal 117 (524), F530-F552, 2007
Firing costs and firm hiring: evidence from an Italian reform
P Sestito, E Viviano
Economic Policy 33 (93), 101-130, 2018
Technical progress and wage dispersion in Italy: evidence from firms' data
P Casavola, A Gavosto, P Sestito
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 387-412, 1996
Hiring incentives and/or firing cost reduction? Evaluating the impact of the 2015 policies on the Italian labour market
P Sestito, E Viviano
Evaluating the Impact of the 2015 Policies on the Italian Labour Market …, 2016
The influence of reading literacy on mathematics and science achievement
E Caponera, P Sestito, PM Russo
The Journal of Educational Research 109 (2), 197-204, 2016
School cheating and social capital
M Paccagnella, P Sestito
Education Economics 22 (4), 367-388, 2014
Reservation wages: explaining some puzzling regional patterns
P Sestito, E Viviano
Labour 25 (1), 63-88, 2011
Contrattazione aziendale, struttura negoziale e determinazione decentrata del salario
P Sestito, F Rossi
Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali 2, 129-183, 2000
Value-added measures in Italian high schools: problems and findings
P Cipollone, P Montanaro, P Sestito
Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia, 81-114, 2010
The sources of unemployment fluctuations: an empirical application to the Italian case
S Fabiani, A Locarno, GP Oneto, P Sestito
Labour Economics 8 (2), 259-289, 2001
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