Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia
Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia
Associate Professor, Colorado State University - Pueblo
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Cited by
Lessons from deregulation in Colombia: successes, failures and the way ahead
ER Larsen, I Dyner, L Bedoya, CJ Franco
Energy policy 32 (15), 1767-1780, 2004
Evaluating alternative resource allocation in an emergency department using discrete event simulation
L Bedoya-Valencia, E Kirac
Simulation 92 (12), 1041-1051, 2016
A multiagents approach for the job shop scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness
LB Valencia, G Rabadi
SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 2003
Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for the Two‐Machine Just in Time Job Shop Scheduling Problem
M Al-Salem, L Bedoya-Valencia, G Rabadi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016 (1), 6591632, 2016
Gestión de calidad en la capacitación de las micro y pequeñas empresas del sector servicio-rubro restaurantes de la ciudad de Tingo María, año 2017
L Bedoya
Tesis, Universidad Católica los Ángeles de Chimbote]. http://repositorio …, 2018
Community outreach and engagement through sustainability
JM Fraser, L Bedoya-Valencia, JL DePalma, NI Jaksic, AM Paudel, ...
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.304. 1-23.304. 12, 2013
First approach to model satisfaction at work under equity theory using fuzzy set theory and system dynamics
A Sousa-Poza, YC Correa, L Bedoya
Proceedings of 21st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society …, 2003
Microworld for training traders in the Colombian electricity market
CJ Franco, I Dyner, R Smith, L Bedoya, S Arango, S Montoya, P Ochoa
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference of System Dynamics …, 2000
An exploratory study on the contextual challenges and barriers of introducing sustainability to first-year engineering students
L Bedoya-Valencia, KS Palacio, S Spencer-Workman, Y Correa-Martinez
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.160. 1-24.160. 20, 2014
Integration of Sustainability in a Multidisciplinary Engineering Department
JM Fraser, L Bedoya-Valencia, JL DePalma, NI Jaksic, AM Paudel, ...
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.791. 1-24.791. 10, 2014
EnerBiz II: strategy and risk management in electricity trading
CJ Franco, B Vargas, S Arango, L Bedoya, P Ochoa, I Dyner
International System Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2001
Capacitación en comercialización de energía en Colombia a través de micromundos.
RA Smith Quintero, I Dyner, S Arango Aramburo, L Bedoya Valencia, ...
Escuela de Sistemas, 2000
Aprendizaje en comercialización de energía eléctrica con el apoyo de Enerbiz
I Dyner
Energética 24, 9-19, 2000
A multi-objective home healthcare routing problem
S Bhattarai, Y Correa-Martinez, L Bedoya-Valencia
International Journal of Healthcare Management 16 (2), 311-325, 2023
Incorporating a sustainability module into an introduction to engineering course
L Bedoya-Valencia, D Yuan, JM Fraser
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.726. 1-23.726. 12, 2013
Exact and heuristic algorithms for the job shop scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness over a common due date
L Bedoya-Valencia
Technology Implementation-Factors for Success
W Peterson, K Pothanun, L Bedoya-Valencia, Y Correa-Martinez
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2005
An understanding of the application of research methods in engineering management
A Sousa-Poza, R Landaeta, L Bedoya, I Bozkurt, Y Correa
Portfolio theory based approach to risk management in electricity markets: Colombian case study
YCC Martinez, LB Valencia
IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 2003, 35-40, 2003
Using integrated teaming to enhance sustainability supply chain curriculum
S Long, SE Grasman, A Gosavi, HJ Carlo, L Bedoya-Valencia, JM Fraser, ...
American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM), 2010
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Articles 1–20