Audio authenticity: Detecting ENF discontinuity with high precision phase analysis DPN Rodríguez, JA Apolinario, LWP Biscainho
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 5 (3), 534-543, 2010
181 2010 QRD-RLS adaptive filtering JA Apolinário, R Rautmann
Springer, 2009
156 2009 Convergence analysis of the binormalized data-reusing LMS algorithm J Apolinario, MLR Campos, PSR Diniz
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 48 (11), 3235-3242, 2000
130 2000 Evaluating digital audio authenticity with spectral distances and ENF phase change DP Nicolalde, JA Apolinario
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
84 2009 Constrained normalized adaptive filters for CDMA mobile communications JA Apolinário, S Werner, PSR Diniz, TI Laakso
9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998), 1-4, 1998
84 1998 Low-complexity constrained affine-projection algorithms S Werner, JA Apolinario, MLR de Campos, PSR Diniz
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (12), 4545-4555, 2005
75 2005 Constrained adaptation algorithms employing Householder transformation MLR De Campos, S Werner, JA Apolinário
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (9), 2187-2195, 2002
70 2002 Set-membership proportionate affine projection algorithms S Werner, JA Apolinário, PSR Diniz
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2007, 1-10, 2007
69 2007 Edit detection in speech recordings via instantaneous electric network frequency variations PAA Esquef, JA Apolinário, LWP Biscainho
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9 (12), 2314-2326, 2014
62 2014 Constrained adaptive filters MLR de Campos, S Werner, JA Apolinário Jr
Adaptive Antenna Arrays: Trends and Applications, 46-64, 2004
56 2004 Gunshot detection in noisy environments IL Freire, JA Apolinário Jr
Proceeding of the 7th International Telecommunications Symposium, Manaus …, 2010
54 2010 -Constrained Normalized LMS Algorithms for Adaptive BeamformingJF de Andrade, MLR de Campos, JA Apolinario
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (24), 6524-6539, 2015
51 2015 On the equivalence of RLS implementations of LCMV and GSC processors S Werner, JA Apolinario, MLR de Campos
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 10 (12), 356-359, 2003
50 2003 The constrained conjugate gradient algorithm JA Apolinário, MLR De Campos
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 7 (12), 351-354, 2000
50 2000 Speech privacy for modern mobile communication systems JF de Andrade, MLR de Campos, JA Apolinario
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
45 2008 Wavelet denoising of speech using neural networks for threshold selection CA Medina, A Alcaim, JA Apolinario
Electronics letters 39 (25), 1869-1871, 2003
41 2003 DoA of gunshot signals in a spatial microphone array: Performance of the interpolated Generalized Cross-Correlation method IL Freire
2011 Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, 1-6, 2011
37 2011 A new fast QR algorithm based on a priori errors JA Apolinário, PSR Diniz
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 4 (11), 307-309, 1997
35 1997 The constrained affine projection algorithm–development and convergence issues MLR de Campos, JA Apolinario
Proc. of the First Balkan Conf. on Signal Processing, Communications …, 2000
33 2000 A set-membership NLMS algorithm with time-varying error bound JF Galdino, JA Apolinario, MLR De Campos
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 4 pp.-280, 2006
31 2006