Ali T. Mohammed
Ali T. Mohammed
Assistant Professor at University of Arizona
Verifisert e-postadresse på arizona.edu
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Impacts of cover crops on soil physical properties: Field capacity, permanent wilting point, soil-water holding capacity, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, and infiltration
S Irmak, V Sharma, AT Mohammed, K Djaman
Transactions of the ASABE 61 (4), 1307-1321, 2018
Disk-till vs. no-till maize evapotranspiration, microclimate, grain yield, production functions and water productivity
S Irmak, MS Kukal, AT Mohammed, K Djaman
Agricultural water management 216, 177-195, 2019
Cover crops have negligible impact on soil water in Nebraska maize–soybean rotation
JB Barker, DM Heeren, K Koehler‐Cole, CA Shapiro, H Blanco‐Canqui, ...
Agronomy Journal 110 (5), 1718-1730, 2018
Maize response to coupled irrigation and nitrogen fertilization under center pivot, subsurface drip and surface (furrow) irrigation: Growth, development and productivity
S Irmak, AT Mohammed, MS Kukal
Agricultural Water Management 263, 107457, 2022
Maize response to coupled irrigation and nitrogen fertilization under center pivot, subsurface drip and surface (furrow) irrigation: Soil-water dynamics and crop evapotranspiration
AT Mohammed, S Irmak
Agricultural Water Management 267, 107634, 2022
Grain Yield, Crop and Basal Evapotranspiration, Production Functions, and Water Productivity Response of Drought-tolerant and Non-drought-tolerant Maize Hybrids under Different …
S Irmak, AT Mohammed, WL Kranz
Applied engineering in agriculture 35 (1), 83-102, 2019
Maize nitrogen uptake, grain nitrogen concentration and root-zone residual nitrate nitrogen response under center pivot, subsurface drip and surface (furrow) irrigation
S Irmak, AT Mohammed, M Drudik
Agricultural Water Management 287, 108421, 2023
Grain Yield, Crop and Basal Evapotranspiration, Production Functions and Water Productivity Response of Drought-Tolerant and Non-Drought-Tolerant Maize Hybrids under Different …
AT Mohammed, S Irmak, WL Kranz, S Van Donk, CD Yonts
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2019
Maize response to irrigation and nitrogen under center pivot, subsurface drip and furrow irrigation: Water productivity, basal evapotranspiration and yield response factors
AT Mohammed, S Irmak
Agricultural Water Management 271, 107795, 2022
Irrigation-Yield Production Functions and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency Response of Drought-Tolerant and Non-Drought-Tolerant Maize Hybrids under Different Irrigation Levels …
S Irmak, AT Mohammed, W Kranz, CD Yonts, S van Donk
Sustainability 12 (1), 358, 2020
Accuracy of estimated crop evapotranspiration using locally developed crop coefficients against satellite-derived crop evapotranspiration in a semiarid climate
K Djaman, AT Mohammed, K Koudahe
Agronomy 13 (7), 1937, 2023
Dynamics of crop evapotranspiration of four major crops on a large commercial farm: Case of the navajo agricultural products industry, New Mexico, USA
K Djaman, K Koudahe, AT Mohammed
Agronomy 12 (11), 2629, 2022
Maize nitrogen uptake and use efficiency, partial factor productivity of nitrogen, and yield response to different nitrogen and water applications under three irrigation methods
S Irmak, AT Mohammed
Irrigation and Drainage, 1-25, 2023
Field Research Report: Results from the ENREEC VRI Field for the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Crop Seasons
DM Heeren, AT Mohammed, E Wilkening, CMU Neale, AL Boldt, ...
Coupled impacts of irrigation amounts and nitrogen fertilization timing on maize yield response factors under different irrigation methods in Nebraska
AT Mohammed, S Irmak
2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting/Omaha, NE, 2023
Irrigation scheduling application to conserve water resources
AT Mohammed, D Heeren, E Wilkening
https://irrigationtoday.org/features/irrigation-scheduling-application-to …, 2023
A Graduate-Level Field Course in Irrigation and Agricultural Water Management for an Immersive Learning Experience
DM Heeren, LG Hayde, DE Eisenhauer, PG McCornick, AT Mohammed, ...
2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1, 2023
Combined effects of Full and Limited Irrigation, Nitrogen Fertilization Timing on Maize Grain Yield and Evapotranspiration Under Different Irrigation Methods
AT Mohammed, S Irmak
2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting/Houston, TX, 2022
Maize growth, yield, water productivity and evapotranspiration response to different irrigation methods and amounts and different timing and methods of nitrogen applications
AT Mohammed
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2020
Maize yield response to different irrigation methods, regimes, and various timing of nitrogen applications
AT Mohammed, S Irmak, W Kranz
2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting/Spokane, WA, 2017
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