Jesus Diaz
Jesus Diaz
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Cited by
Cryptanalysis of a one round chaos-based Substitution Permutation Network
D Arroyo, J Diaz, FB Rodriguez
Signal Processing 93 (5), 1358-1364, 2013
Group Signatures with User-Controlled and Sequential Linkability
J Diaz, A Lehmann
A formal methodology for integral security design and verification of network protocols
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1201.5666, 2012
Review of the Main Security Threats and Challenges in Free-Access Public Cloud Storage Servers
A Sanchez-Gomez, J Diaz, L Hernandez-Encinas, D Arroyo
Computer and Network Security Essentials, 263-281, 2018
Non-conventional digital signatures and their implementations—a review
D Arroyo, J Diaz, FB Rodriguez
International Joint Conference: CISIS’15 and ICEUTE’15 8, 425-435, 2015
New X. 509-based mechanisms for fair anonymity management
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
Computers & Security 46, 111-125, 2014
On the difficult tradeoff between security and privacy: Challenges for the management of digital identities
D Arroyo, J Diaz, V Gayoso
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems Conference …, 2015
An approach for adapting moodle into a secure infrastructure
J Diaz, D Arroyo, F Rodriguez
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, 214-221, 2011
Privacy threats in e-shopping (position paper)
J Diaz, SG Choi, D Arroyo, AD Keromytis, FB Rodriguez, M Yung
Data Privacy Management, and Security Assurance: 10th International Workshop …, 2016
On securing online registration protocols: formal verification of a new proposal
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014
Anonymity Revocation through Standard Infrastructures
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
Public Key Infrastructures, Services and Applications, 112-127, 2013
Esteganografía y estegoanálisis: Ocultación de datos en streams de audio Vorbis
J Díaz Vico
Facultad de Informática (UPM), 2010
libgroupsig: An extensible C library for group signatures.
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2015, 1146, 2015
Privacy in e-shopping transactions: Exploring and addressing the trade-offs
J Diaz, SG Choi, D Arroyo, AD Keromytis, FB Rodriguez, M Yung
Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning: Second International …, 2018
Combining Usability and Privacy Protection in Free-Access Public Cloud Storage Servers: Review of the Main Threats and Challenges
A Sanchez-Gomez, J Diaz, D Arroyo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.08727, 2016
Fair anonymity for the Tor network
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.4707, 2014
Bottom-Up Trust Registry in Self Sovereign Identity
KJ Eer, J Diaz, M Kohlweiss
International Congress on Blockchain and Applications, 423-433, 2022
A Methodology for Retrofitting Privacy and Its Application to e-Shopping Transactions
J Diaz, SG Choi, D Arroyo, AD Keromytis, FB Rodriguez, M Yung
Advances in Cyber Security: Principles, Techniques, and Applications, 143-183, 2019
Fair and Accountable Anonymity for the Tor Network.
J Diaz, D Arroyo, FB Rodriguez
SECRYPT, 560-565, 2017
Foundations of Anonymous Signatures: Formal Definitions, Simplified Requirements, and a Construction Based on General Assumptions
J Bobolz, J Diaz, M Kohlweiss
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2024
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Articles 1–20