Mikhail Martynovich
Mikhail Martynovich
Department of Human Geography, Lund University
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Agency and economic change in regions: identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysis
M Grillitsch, M Sotarauta, B Asheim, RD Fitjar, S Haus-Reve, ...
Regional Studies 57 (8), 1453-1468, 2023
The black box of regional growth
M Grillitsch, M Martynovich, RD Fitjar, S Haus-Reve
Journal of Geographical Systems 23, 425-464, 2021
The role of local embeddedness and non-local knowledge in entrepreneurial activity
M Martynovich
Small Business Economics 49 (4), 741-762, 2017
Can foundational economy save regions in crisis?
M Martynovich, T Hansen, KJ Lundquist
Journal of Economic Geography 23 (3), 577-599, 2023
Technological change and geographical reallocation of labour: On the role of leading industries
M Martynovich, KJ Lundquist
Regional Studies 50 (10), 1633-1647, 2016
On the Way to Developing the Triple Helix Indicator. Contribution from Quantitative Empirical Studies
M Martynovich
Department of Economic History, Lund University, 2011
Dynamic nature of relatedness, or what kind of related variety for long‐term regional growth
K Kuusk, M Martynovich
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 112 (1), 81-96, 2021
Labour force building in a rapidly expanding sector
M Martynovich, M Henning
Industry and Innovation 25 (2), 199-227, 2018
General purpose technology diffusion and labour market dynamics: a spatio-temporal perspective
M Martynovich
Dynamic recombinant relatedness and its role for regional innovation
M Martynovich, J Taalbi
European Planning Studies 31 (5), 1070-1094, 2023
The technology shift thesis: Understanding long term growth and transformation in a regional system
KJ Lundquist, LO Olander, M Martynovich
Department of Human Geography, Lund University, 2017
Agency and economic change in regions: Using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to identify routes to New path development
M Grillitsch, M Sotarauta, BT Asheim, RD Fitjar, S Haus-Reve, ...
Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), Lund University, 2022
Why bother about region-specific growth patterns and how to identify them?
M Grillitsch, M Martynovich, RD Fitjar, S Haus-Reve
Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), 2019
What kind of related variety for long-term regional growth
K Kuusk, M Martynovich
Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography 18 (34), 2018
Rescaling: Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships
M Grillitsch, B Asheim, N Lowe, S Kelmenson, L Fünfschilling, ...
Progress in Human Geography, 03091325241288337, 2024
Rescaling: An Analytical Lense to Study Economic and Industrial Shifts
M Grillitsch, BT Asheim, L Fünfschilling, S Kelmenson, N Lowe, ...
Lund University, Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), 2023
How does the regional presence of foreign-owned multinational enterprises affect local start-up performance
M Grillitsch, M Martynovich, M Nilsson, T Schubert
Centre for Innovation Research (CIRCLE), Lund University, 2023
Related variety, recombinant knowledge and regional innovation. Evidence for Sweden, 1991-2010
M Martynovich, J Taalbi
Papers in evolutionary economic geography 20 (15), 2020
On the urban bias of patents and the scaling of innovation
J Taalbi, M Martynovich
Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG), 2024
Spatial evolution of knowledge-intensive ICT services in Sweden: On the role of mobile entrepreneurs
M Martynovich
DRUID Academy Conference 2015, 2015
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