Timothy Keith
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Multiple regression and beyond: An introduction to multiple regression and structural equation modeling
TZ Keith
Routledge, 2019
Home influence on school learning: Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement on high school grades
PG Fehrmann, TZ Keith, TM Reimers
The Journal of Educational Research 80 (6), 330-337, 1987
The effects of four components of parental involvement on eighth-grade student achievement: Structural analysis of NELS-88 data
K Singh, PG Bickley, TZ Keith, PB Keith, P Trivette, E Anderson
School psychology review 24 (2), 299-317, 1995
Does parental involvement affect eighth-grade student achievement? Structural analysis of national data
TZ Keith, GC Troutman, PS Trivette, PB Keith, PG Bickley, K Singh
School psychology review 22 (3), 474-496, 1993
Parental involvement, homework, and TV time: Direct and indirect effects on high school achievement.
TZ Keith, TM Reimers, PG Fehrmann, SM Pottebaum, LW Aubey
Journal of educational psychology 78 (5), 373, 1986
Time spent on homework and high school grades: A large-sample path analysis.
TZ Keith
Journal of educational psychology 74 (2), 248, 1982
Longitudinal effects of parent involvement on high school grades: Similarities and differences across gender and ethnic groups
TZ Keith, PB Keith, KJ Quirk, J Sperduto, S Santillo, S Killings
Journal of school psychology 36 (3), 335-363, 1998
Higher order, multisample, confirmatory factor analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition: What does it measure
TZ Keith, JG Fine, GE Taub, MR Reynolds, JH Kranzler
School Psychology Review 35 (1), 108-127, 2006
Critical issues in response-to-intervention, comprehensive evaluation, and specific learning disabilities identification and intervention: An expert white paper consensus
J Hale, V Alfonso, V Berninger, B Bracken, C Christo, E Clark, M Cohen, ...
Learning Disability Quarterly 33 (3), 223-236, 2010
Using confirmatory factor analysis to aid in understanding the constructs measured by intelligence tests.
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
The Guilford Press, 2018
Effects of general and broad cognitive abilities on mathematics achievement.
GE Taub, TZ Keith, RG Floyd, KS McGrew
School Psychology Quarterly 23 (2), 187, 2008
Cattell–Horn–Carroll abilities and cognitive tests: What we've learned from 20 years of research
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
Psychology in the Schools 47 (7), 635-650, 2010
Beyond g: The Impact of Gf-Gc Specific Cognitive Abilities Research on the Future Use and Interpretation of Intelligence Tests in the Schools
KS McGrew, DP Flanagan, TZ Keith, M Vanderwood
School Psychology Review 26 (2), 189-210, 1997
A longitudinal test of a model of academic success for at–risk high school students
ES Anderson, TZ Keith
The Journal of Educational Research 90 (5), 259-268, 1997
Randomized trial of a hypnosis intervention for treatment of hot flashes among breast cancer survivors
G Elkins, J Marcus, V Stearns, M Perfect, MH Rajab, C Ruud, L Palamara, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 26 (31), 5022-5026, 2008
The three-stratum theory of cognitive abilities: Test of the structure of intelligence across the life span
PG Bickley, TZ Keith, LM Wolfle
Intelligence 20 (3), 309-328, 1995
Testing models of school learning: Effects of quality of instruction, motivation, academic coursework, and homework on academic achievement.
TZ Keith, VA Cool
School Psychology Quarterly 7 (3), 207, 1992
Is there a causal relation between self-concept and academic achievement?
SM Pottebaum, TZ Keith, SW Ehly
The Journal of Educational Research 79 (3), 140-144, 1986
Visitation frequency, child support payment, and the father-child relationship postdivorce
JA Arditti, TZ Keith
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 699-712, 1993
Clinical hypnosis in the treatment of postmenopausal hot flashes: a randomized controlled trial
GR Elkins, WI Fisher, AK Johnson, JS Carpenter, TZ Keith
Menopause 20 (3), 291-298, 2013
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