Thomas Henökl
Thomas Henökl
University of Agder, Kristiansand / German Development Institute (GDI-DIE), Bonn
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The Routledge handbook on the European neighbourhood policy
T Schumacher, A Marchetti, T Demmelhuber
Routledge, 2018
Unveiling the anatomy of autonomy: dissecting actor-level independence in the European External Action Service
T Henökl, J Trondal
Journal of European Public Policy 22 (10), 1426-1447, 2015
How do EU foreign policy-makers decide? Institutional orientations within the European External Action Service
TE Henökl
West European Politics 38 (3), 679-708, 2015
Regulating conflicts of interest for holders of public office in the European Union
C Demmke, M Bovens, T Henökl, K Van Lierop, T Moilanen, G Pikker, ...
Masstricht: EIPA, 2008
How Brexit affects EU external action: The UK’s legacy in European international cooperation
T Henökl
Futures 97, 63-72, 2018
Regulating conflicts of interest for holders of public office in the European Union: A comparative study of the rules and standards of professional ethics for the holders of …
C Demmke, T Henökl, T Moilanen
European Institute of Public Administration, 2008
The European External Action Service: Torn apart between several principals or acting as a smart ‘Double-agent’?
TE Henökl
Journal of Contemporary European Research 10 (4), 2014
Conceptualizing the European diplomatic space: A framework for analysis of the European external action service
T Henökl
Journal of European integration 36 (5), 453-471, 2014
What are public services good at
C Demmke, T Henökl, T Moilanen
Success of Public Services in the Field of Human Resource Management …, 2008
New Alliances in Post-Brexit Europe: Does the New Hanseatic League Revive Nordic Political Cooperation?
DF Schulz, T Henökl
Politics and governance 8 (4), 78-88, 2020
What are public services good at? success of public services in the field of human resource management
C Demmke, T Henökl, T Moilanen
Report to the 50th Meeting of the Directors-General of Public Services of …, 2008
Crisis, Coordination and Coherence: European Decision-Making and the 2015 the European Neighbourhood Policy Review
T Furness, Mark, Henökl, Thomas and Schumacher
European Foreign Affairs Review 24 (4), 447-468, 2019
EU policies in the Arab world: update and critical assessment
T Henökl, A Stemberger
European Foreign Affairs Review 21 (2), 2016
The Impact of Institutional Change on Foreign Policy-Making: The Case of the EU Horn of Africa Strategy
T Henökl, C Webersik
European Foreign Affairs Review 19 (4), 2014
From ‘awkward partner’to ‘awkward partnership’? Explaining Norway’s paradoxical relations with the European Union
S Gänzle, T Henökl
Nordic States and European Integration: Awkward Partners in the North?, 79-102, 2018
The European Neighbourhood Policy and the CFSP/CSDP: From the European Security Strategy to the Global Strategy
T Henökl
The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, 533-542, 2017
Managing Conflicts of Interests–Ethics Rules and Standards in the Member States and the European Institutions.
C Demmke, T Henökl
EIPAScope 2007 (3), 1-7, 2007
Brexit: impact, risks and opportunities for European development policy
T Henökl
Briefing Paper, 2017
The rising fear of terrorism and the emergence of a European security governance space: citizen perceptions and EU counterterrorism cooperation
T Henökl, TG Jakobsen
Journal of Contemporary European Studies 30 (3), 536-551, 2022
The future of the" European Consensus on Development
T Henökl, N Keijzer
Briefing Paper, 2016
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