Tobias Schoch
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Sitert av
Social inequality and the biological standard of living: An anthropometric analysis of Swiss conscription data, 1875–1950
T Schoch, K Staub, C Pfister
Economics & Human Biology 10 (2), 154-173, 2012
Robust unit-level small area estimation: a fast algorithm for large data sets
T Schoch
Austrian Journal of Statistics 41 (4), 243-265, 2012
Robustification of the Quintile Share Ratio
B Hulliger, T Schoch
rsae: Robust Small Area Estimation. R package version 0.1-4.
T Schoch
The AMELI Simulation Study. Research Project Report WP6–D6. 1
A Alfons, JP Burgard, P Filzmoser, B Hulliger, JP Kolb, S Kraft, R Münnich, ...
Technical report, AMELI. URL http://ameli. surveystatistics. net, 2011
The AMELI simulation study
A Alfons, JP Burgard, P Filzmoser, B Hulliger, JP Kolb, S Kraft, R Münnich, ...
Work-package of the European project on Advanced Methodology for European …, 2011
Robust multivariate imputation with survey data
B Hulliger, T Schoch
57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Durban, 2009
State-of-the-art of Laeken Indicators. Research Project Report WP1–D1. 1
M Graf, A Alfons, C Bruch, P Filzmoser, B Hulliger, R Lehtonen, B Meindl, ...
FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI. URL http://ameli. surveystatistics. net, 2011
wbacon: Weighted BACON algorithms for multivariate outlier nomination (detection) and robust linear regression
T Schoch
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (62), 3238, 2021
Vermögenslage der privaten Haushalte
A Müller, T Schoch
Neuchatel: Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS), 2014
Robust methodology for laeken indicators. Research Project Report WP4–D4. 2
B Hulliger, A Alfons, P Filzmoser, A Meraner, T Schoch, M Templ
FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI. URL http://ameli. surveystatistics. net, 2011
Report on the simulation results
B Hulliger, A Alfons, C Bruch, P Filzmoser, M Graf, JP Kolb, R Lehtonen, ...
Deliverable D7 1, 2011
Robust, distribution-free inference for income share ratios under complex sampling
B Hulliger, T Schoch
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis 98 (1), 63-85, 2014
Robust methodology for laeken indicators
B Hulliger, A Alfons, P Filzmoser, A Meraner, T Schoch, M Templ
AMELI, European Comission, 2011
Robust Small Area Estimation: a Vignette
T Schoch
Switzerland: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern, 2012
Policy Recommendations and Methodological Report. Research Project Report WP10, D10. 1/D10. 2, FP7-SSH-2007-217322 AMELI.
R Münnich, S Zins, A Alfons, C Bruch, P Filzmoser, G Monique, B Hulliger, ...
Reform der Altersvorsorge 2020: Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung, Löhne und Arbeitskosten
A Müller, T Schoch, T Bachmann, F Egli, M Marti, P Walker
BSV - Beiträge zur Sozialen Sicherheit, 2014
Vermögenslage der privaten Haushalte: Vermögensdefinitionen, Datenlage und Datenqualität
A Müller, T Schoch
Umverteilungseffekte in der obligatorischen Krankenversicherung. Mikrosimulation für die Schweizer Bevölkerung auf Basis der SILC-Erhebung unter Berücksichtigung der kantonalen …
T Schoch, A Müller, T Bachmann, E Kraft, M Mattmann, P Walker
Robust High Breakdown Point Estimation in Unit-Level SAE Models.
T Schoch
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