Henrik Nygård
Henrik Nygård
Senior Research Scientist, Marine Research Centre, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
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Cited by
Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night
J Berge, F Cottier, KS Last, Ø Varpe, E Leu, J Søreide, K Eiane, ...
Biology letters 5 (1), 69-72, 2009
Potential misidentifications of two climate indicator species of the marine arctic ecosystem: Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus
TM Gabrielsen, B Merkel, JE Søreide, E Johansson-Karlsson, A Bailey, ...
Polar Biology 35 (11), 1621-1628, 2012
Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during autumn 2004
S Falk-Petersen, E Leu, J Berge, S Kwasniewski, H Nygård, A Røstad, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (20-21), 2275-2284, 2008
The Baltic Sea scale inventory of benthic faunal communities
M Gogina, H Nygård, M Blomqvist, D Daunys, AB Josefson, J Kotta, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (4), 1196-1213, 2016
Assessing the impacts of seabed mineral extraction in the deep sea and coastal marine environments: Current methods and recommendations for environmental risk assessment
L Kaikkonen, R Venesjärvi, H Nygård, S Kuikka
Marine pollution bulletin 135, 1183-1197, 2018
State of the Baltic Sea – Second HELCOM holistic assessment 2011-2016
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, 2018
Seasonality of occurrence and recruitment of Arctic marine benthic invertebrate larvae in relation to environmental variables
P Kuklinski, J Berge, L McFadden, K Dmoch, M Zajaczkowski, H Nygård, ...
Polar Biology 36, 549-560, 2013
Vertical flux of particulate matter in an Arctic fjord: the case of lack of the sea-ice cover in Adventfjorden 2006–2007
M Zajączkowski, H Nygård, EN Hegseth, J Berge
Polar biology 33, 223-239, 2010
An objective framework to test the quality of candidate indicators of good environmental status
AM Queirós, JA Strong, K Mazik, J Carstensen, J Bruun, PJ Somerfield, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 73, 2016
A retrospective view of the development of the Gulf of Bothnia ecosystem
H Kuosa, V Fleming-Lehtinen, S Lehtinen, M Lehtiniemi, H Nygård, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 167, 78-92, 2017
Pintavesien tilan luokittelu ja arviointiperusteet vesienhoidon kolmannella kaudella
J Aroviita, S Mitikka, S Vienonen
Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 37 (2019), 182, 2019
Indicator-Based Assessment of Marine Biological Diversity–Lessons from 10 Case Studies across the European Seas
L Uusitalo, H Blanchet, JH Andersen, O Beauchard, T Berg, S Bianchelli, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3 (159), 2016
Seasonal variability of meio-and macrobenthic standing stocks and diversity in an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Spitsbergen)
J Pawłowska, M Włodarska-Kowalczuk, M Zajączkowski, H Nygård, ...
Polar Biology 34, 833-845, 2011
Price vs. value of marine monitoring
H Nygård, S Oinonen, HA Hällfors, M Lehtiniemi, E Rantajärvi, L Uusitalo
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 205, 2016
The amphipod scavenging guild in two Arctic fjords: seasonal variations, abundance and trophic interactions
HA Nygård, J Berge, J Søreide, M Vihtakari, S Falk-Petersen
Aquatic Biology 14, 247-264, 2012
The adaptive significance of chromatophores in the Arctic under-ice amphipod Apherusa glacialis
MM Fuhrmann, H Nygård, RH Krapp, J Berge, I Werner
Polar Biology 34, 823-832, 2011
Changes in macrofaunal biological traits across estuarine gradients: implications for the coastal nutrient filter
A Villnäs, U Janas, AB Josefson, H Kendzierska, H Nygård, J Norkko, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 622, 31-48, 2019
Suomen meriympäristön tila 2018
S Korpinen, M Laamanen, J Suomela, P Paavilainen, T Lahtinen, ...
Suomen merenhoitosuunnitelman kuulemisasiakirja, 2018
Annual routines and life history of the amphipod Onisimus litoralis: seasonal growth, body composition and energy budget
H Nygård, J Wallenschus, L Camus, Ø Varpe, J Berge
Marine Ecology Progress Series 417, 115-126, 2010
Life history of Onisimus caricus (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea) in a high Arctic fjord
H Nygård, M Vihtakari, J Berge
Aquatic Biology 5 (1), 63-74, 2009
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Articles 1–20