Enrico Paterna
Cited by
Cited by
Fragmentation of wind‐blown snow crystals
F Comola, JF Kok, J Gaume, E Paterna, M Lehning
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (9), 4195-4203, 2017
Investigation of the role of cavity airflow on the performance of building-integrated photovoltaic panels
PA Mirzaei, E Paterna, J Carmeliet
Solar Energy 107, 510-522, 2014
Mitigation of surface reflection in PIV measurements
E Paterna, P Moonen, V Dorer, J Carmeliet
Measurement science and technology 24 (5), 057003, 2013
Decoupling of mass flux and turbulent wind fluctuations in drifting snow
E Paterna, P Crivelli, M Lehning
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (9), 4441-4447, 2016
Wind tunnel experiments: cold-air pooling and atmospheric decoupling above a melting snow patch
R Mott, E Paterna, S Horender, P Crivelli, M Lehning
The Cryosphere 10 (1), 445-458, 2016
Wind tunnel observations of weak and strong snow saltation dynamics
E Paterna, P Crivelli, M Lehning
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (9), 1589-1604, 2017
Quantifying particle numbers and mass flux in drifting snow
P Crivelli, E Paterna, S Horender, M Lehning
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 161, 519-542, 2016
Wind tunnel investigation of turbulent flow in urban configurations: a time-resolved PIV analysis
E Paterna
ETH Zurich, 2015
Experimental investigation of cavity flow under building integrated photovoltaic panels using thermography and particle image velocimetry
J Carmeliet, E Paterna, PA Mirzaei
3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015., 2015
Spatiotemporal dynamics of snow erosion, deposition and horizontal mass flux
P Crivelli, E Paterna, M Lehning
Journal of Glaciology 65 (250), 249-262, 2019
Wind tunnel investigation of the wake behind two porous high-rise buildings with the same porosity
S Cochard, E Paterna, P Moonen, J Carmeliet
16th Australian Wind Engineering Society Workshop, 2013
Aeolian snow transport from wind tunnel experiments
E Paterna, P Crivelli, M Lehning
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, EP24A-03, 2016
Snow surface erosion measurements in a cold wind tunnel
P Crivelli, E Paterna, M Lehning
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, C23B-0749, 2016
Wind tunnel observations of drifting snow
E Paterna, P Crivelli, M Lehning
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-12643, 2016
Experimental investigation of drifting snow in a wind tunnel
P Crivelli, E Paterna, S Horender, M Lehning
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, A21. 009, 2015
Flow around a regular array of cubes: wind-tunnel measurements of wind velocity and field measurements of wind-driven rain
A Kubilay, E Paterna, D Derome, B Blocken, J Carmeliet
PHYSMOD International Workshop 2015, 2015
Detection of coherent flow structures around simplified urban geometrics
E Paterna, P Moonen, A Kubilay, J Carmeliet
Physmod 2015, 2015
Experimental design of spatially and temporally resolved PIV measurements
P Moonen, E Paterna, J Carmeliet
International Workshop on Physical modelling of flow and dispersion …, 2013
Flow around a cube: time-resolved PIV measurements and analysis
E Paterna, P Moonen, V Dorer, J Carmeliet
8th International Conference on Urban Climate, 2012
Turbulent flow around a surface-mounted cube: Time-resolved and time-averaged PIV measurements and comparison with numerical simulations
E Paterna, P Moonen, V Dorer, J Carmeliet
International Workshop on physical moddeling of flow and dispersion …, 2011
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Articles 1–20