Ireneusz Grabowski
Ireneusz Grabowski
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK), Torun, Poland
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Can optimized effective potentials be determined uniquely?
S Hirata, S Ivanov, I Grabowski, RJ Bartlett, K Burke, JD Talman
The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (4), 1635-1649, 2001
Perturbative corrections to coupled-cluster and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster energies: A determinantal analysis
S Hirata, M Nooijen, I Grabowski, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (9), 3919-3928, 2001
The exchange-correlation potential in ab initio density functional theory
RJ Bartlett, I Grabowski, S Hirata, S Ivanov
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (3), 2005
Ab initio density functional theory: OEP-MBPT(2). A new orbital-dependent correlation functional
I Grabowski, S Hirata, S Ivanov, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (11), 4415-4425, 2002
Time-dependent density functional theory employing optimized effective potentials
S Hirata, S Ivanov, I Grabowski, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (15), 6468-6481, 2002
Applicability of valence‐universal multireference coupled‐cluster theories to quasidegenerate electronic states. I. Models involving at most two‐body amplitudes
K Jankowski, J Paldus, I Grabowski, K Kowalski
The Journal of chemical physics 97 (10), 7600-7612, 1992
Intermolecular potential energy surfaces of weakly bound dimers computed from ab initio density functional theory: the right answer for the right reason
VF Lotrich, RJ Bartlett, I Grabowski
Chemical physics letters 405 (1-3), 43-48, 2005
Highly accurate treatment of electron correlation in polymers: coupled-cluster and many-body perturbation theories
S Hirata, I Grabowski, M Tobita, RJ Bartlett
Chemical physics letters 345 (5-6), 475-480, 2001
Comparing ab initio density-functional and wave function theories: The impact of correlation on the electronic density and the role of the correlation potential
I Grabowski, AM Teale, S Śmiga, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (11), 2011
Ab initio density functional theory applied to quasidegenerate problems
I Grabowski, V Lotrich, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (15), 2007
Orbital-dependent second-order scaled-opposite-spin correlation functionals in the optimized effective potential method
I Grabowski, E Fabiano, AM Teale, S Śmiga, A Buksztel, FD Sala
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (2), 2014
Connections between second-order Görling–Levy and many-body perturbation approaches in density functional theory
S Ivanov, S Hirata, I Grabowski, RJ Bartlett
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (2), 461-470, 2003
Exact-exchange time-dependent density-functional theory for static and dynamic polarizabilities
S Hirata, S Ivanov, RJ Bartlett, I Grabowski
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 032507, 2005
A coupled-cluster correction to the multi-reference configuration interaction method
L Meissner, I Grabowski
Chemical physics letters 300 (1-2), 53-60, 1999
Self-consistent double-hybrid density-functional theory using the optimized-effective-potential method
S Śmiga, O Franck, B Mussard, A Buksztel, I Grabowski, E Luppi, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (14), 2016
Investigation of the exchange-correlation potentials of functionals based on the adiabatic connection interpolation
E Fabiano, S Śmiga, S Giarrusso, KJ Daas, F Della Sala, I Grabowski, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (2), 1006-1015, 2019
A density difference based analysis of orbital-dependent exchange-correlation functionals
I Grabowski, AM Teale, E Fabiano, S Śmiga, A Buksztel, FD Sala
Molecular Physics 112 (5-6), 700-710, 2014
Spin-component-scaled ΔMP2 parametrization: Toward a simple and reliable method for ionization energies
S Śmiga, I Grabowski
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 14 (9), 4780-4790, 2018
Accurate Kohn–Sham ionization potentials from scaled‐opposite‐spin second‐order optimized effective potential methods
S Śmiga, F Della Sala, A Buksztel, I Grabowski, E Fabiano
Journal of Computational Chemistry 37 (22), 2081-2090, 2016
Optimized effective potential method based on spin-resolved components of the second-order correlation energy in density functional theory
I Grabowski, E Fabiano, F Della Sala
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (7), 075103, 2013
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Articles 1–20