Marcos Nieto
Marcos Nieto
Principal Researcher, Vicomtech
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Cited by
Adaptive multicue background subtraction for robust vehicle counting and classification
L Unzueta, M Nieto, A Cortés, J Barandiaran, O Otaegui, P Sánchez
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 13 (2), 527-540, 2011
Dmd: A large-scale multi-modal driver monitoring dataset for attention and alertness analysis
JD Ortega, N Kose, P Cañas, MA Chao, A Unnervik, M Nieto, O Otaegui, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020 Workshops: Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020 …, 2020
Stabilization of inverse perspective mapping images based on robust vanishing point estimation
M Nieto, L Salgado, F Jaureguizar, J Cabrera
2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 315-320, 2007
Road environment modeling using robust perspective analysis and recursive Bayesian segmentation
M Nieto, J Arróspide Laborda, L Salgado
Machine Vision and Applications 22, 927-945, 2011
Video analysis-based vehicle detection and tracking using an MCMC sampling framework
J Arróspide, L Salgado, M Nieto
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 1-20, 2012
Robust multiple lane road modeling based on perspective analysis
M Nieto, L Salgado, F Jaureguizar, J Arróspide
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2396-2399, 2008
Robust vehicle detection through multidimensional classification for on board video based systems
D Alonso, L Salgado, M Nieto
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 4, IV-321-IV-324, 2007
Real-time vanishing point estimation in road sequences using adaptive steerable filter banks
M Nieto, L Salgado
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems …, 2007
Homography-based ground plane detection using a single on-board camera
J Arróspide, L Salgado, M Nieto, R Mohedano
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 4 (2), 149-160, 2010
Boosting masked face recognition with multi-task arcface
D Montero, M Nieto, P Leskovsky, N Aginako
2022 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2022
MFR 2021: Masked face recognition competition
F Boutros, N Damer, JN Kolf, K Raja, F Kirchbuchner, R Ramachandra, ...
2021 IEEE International joint conference on biometrics (IJCB), 1-10, 2021
Real-time lane tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
M Nieto, A Cortés, O Otaegui, J Arróspide, L Salgado
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 11, 179-191, 2016
On-board robust vehicle detection and tracking using adaptive quality evaluation
J Arróspide, L Salgado, M Nieto, F Jaureguizar
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2008
Line segment detection using weighted mean shift procedures on a 2D slice sampling strategy
M Nieto, C Cuevas, L Salgado, N García
Pattern Analysis and Applications 14, 149-163, 2011
Real-time robust estimation of vanishing points through nonlinear optimization
M Nieto, L Salgado
Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2010 7724, 9-22, 2010
Design and implementation of an ontology for semantic labeling and testing: automotive global ontology (AGO)
I Urbieta, M Nieto, M García, O Otaegui
Applied Sciences 11 (17), 7782, 2021
A reconfigurable embedded vision system for advanced driver assistance
G Velez, A Cortés, M Nieto, I Vélez, O Otaegui
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 10, 725-739, 2015
Non-linear optimization for robust estimation of vanishing points
M Nieto, L Salgado
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1885-1888, 2010
On creating vision‐based advanced driver assistance systems
M Nieto, O Otaegui, G Vélez, JD Ortega, A Cortés
IET intelligent transport systems 9 (1), 59-66, 2015
An information retrieval approach to identifying infrequent events in surveillance video
S Little, I Jargalsaikhan, K Clawson, M Nieto, H Li, C Direkoglu, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on International conference on …, 2013
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Articles 1–20