Amjad Ali
Amjad Ali
Research Fellow at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
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Cited by
A smart healthcare monitoring system for heart disease prediction based on ensemble deep learning and feature fusion
F Ali, S El-Sappagh, SMR Islam, D Kwak, A Ali, M Imran, KS Kwak
Information Fusion 63, 208-222, 2020
An intelligent healthcare monitoring framework using wearable sensors and social networking data
F Ali, S El-Sappagh, SMR Islam, A Ali, M Attique, M Imran, KS Kwak
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020
Transportation sentiment analysis using word embedding and ontology-based topic modeling
F Ali, D Kwak, P Khan, S El-Sappagh, A Ali, S Ullah, KH Kim, KS Kwak
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019
Traffic accident detection and condition analysis based on social networking data
F Ali, A Ali, M Imran, RA Naqvi, MH Siddiqi, KS Kwak
Accident Analysis & Prevention 151, 105973, 2021
Impact of Gamification on Learning Outcome of Computer Science Majors
A Ahmed, F Zeeshan, R Marriam, A Ali, A Samreen
ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2020
Detecting Congestive Heart Failure by Extracting Multimodal Features and Employing Machine Learning Techniques
L Hussain, IA Awan, W Aziz, S Saeed, A Ali, F Zeeshan, KS Kwak
BioMed Research International 2020, 2020
An ontology-based interpretable fuzzy decision support system for diabetes diagnosis
S El-Sappagh, JM Alonso, F Ali, A Ali, JH Jang, KS Kwak
IEEE Access 6, 37371-37394, 2018
Quality of Service Provisioning for Heterogeneous Services in Cognitive Radio-enabled Internet of Things
A Amjad, F Li, BA Kashif, ES Shaker, A Syed-Hassan, I Muddesar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2018
Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Scheme for Efficient Channel Utilization in Cognitive Radio Networks
A Ali, L Abbas, M Shafiq, AK Bashir, MK Afzal, HB Liaqat, MH Siddiqi, ...
IEEE Access, 2019
Mobile Health Technologies for Diabetes Mellitus: Current State and Future Challenges
S El-Sappagh, F Ali, S El-Masri, K Kim, A Ali, KS Kwak
IEEE Access, 2018
Machine learning classification of texture features of MRI breast tumor and peri-tumor of combined pre-and early treatment predicts pathologic complete response
L Hussain, P Huang, T Nguyen, KJ Lone, A Ali, MS Khan, H Li, DY Suh, ...
BioMedical Engineering OnLine 20 (1), 1-23, 2021
Optimal Haptic Communications over Nanonetworks for E-Health Systems
L Feng, A Ali, AK Bashir, M Iqbal, SA Hussain, S Pack
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
Artificial Neural Network Based Ensemble Approach for Multicultural Facial Expressions Analysis
G Ali, A Ali, F Ali, U Draz, F Majeed, S Yasin, T Ali, N Haider
IEEE Access 8, 134950-134963, 2020
An efficient channel access scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks
SA Hussain, M Iqbal, A Saeed, I Raza, H Raza, A Ali, AK Bashir, A Baig
Mobile Information Systems 2017, 1-11, 2017
Cognitive Radio-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
M Jalil Piran, Y Cho, J Yun, A Ali, DY Suh
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2014, 2014
RaptorQ-Based Efficient Multimedia Transmission over Cooperative Cellular Cognitive Radio Networks
A Ali, K Kwak, NH Tran, Z Han, D Niyato, F Zeshan, MT Gul, DY Suh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018
A Ali, M Iqbal, A Baig, X Wang
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 3 (3), 96-110, 2011
Channel Clustering and QoS Level Identification Scheme for Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks
A Amjad, Y Ibrar, A Ejaz, I Muhammad, SK Kyung, A Adnan, AH Syed, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 164-171, 2018
A Console GRID Leveraged Authentication and Key Agreement Mechanism for LTE/SAE
R Arul, G Raja, AK Bashir, J Chaudry, A Ali
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 1-12, 2018
Clinical decision support system for liver fibrosis prediction in hepatitis patients: A case comparison of two soft computing techniques
S El-Sappagh, F Ali, A Ali, A Hendawi, FA Badria, DY Suh
IEEE Access 6, 52911-52929, 2018
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Articles 1–20