Saeed Gazor
Saeed Gazor
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Multiple antenna spectrum sensing in cognitive radios
A Taherpour, M Nasiri-Kenari, S Gazor
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 9 (2), 814-823, 2010
Speech probability distribution
S Gazor, W Zhang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 10 (7), 204-207, 2003
An adaptive KLT approach for speech enhancement
A Rezayee, S Gazor
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 9 (2), 87-95, 2001
Hybrid adaptive fuzzy identification and control of nonlinear systems
M Hojati, S Gazor
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 10 (2), 198-210, 2002
Multiple peer-to-peer communications using a network of relays
S Fazeli-Dehkordy, S Shahbazpanahi, S Gazor
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (8), 3053-3062, 2009
A soft voice activity detector based on a Laplacian-Gaussian model
S Gazor, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 11 (5), 498-505, 2003
Speckle noise reduction of medical ultrasound images in complex wavelet domain using mixture priors
H Rabbani, M Vafadust, P Abolmaesumi, S Gazor
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 55 (9), 2152-2160, 2008
Wavelet-domain medical image denoising using bivariate laplacian mixture model
H Rabbani, R Nezafat, S Gazor
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 56 (12), 2826-2837, 2009
Speech enhancement employing Laplacian-Gaussian mixture
S Gazor, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 13 (5), 896-904, 2005
Generalized sliding FFT and its application to implementation of block LMS adaptive filters
B Farhang-Boroujeny, S Gazor
IEEE transactions on signal processing 42 (3), 532-538, 1994
Selection of orthonormal transforms for improving the performance of the transform domain normalised LMS algorithm
B Farhang-Boroujeny, S Gazor
IEE Proceedings F (Radar and Signal Processing) 139 (5), 327-335, 1992
A CFAR detector in a nonhomogenous Weibull clutter
A Pourmottaghi, S Gazor
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (2), 1747 - 1758, 2012
Wideband spectrum sensing in unknown white Gaussian noise
A Taherpour, S Gazor, M Nasiri-Kenari
IET communications 2 (6), 763-771, 2008
Invariant wideband spectrum sensing under unknown variances
A Taherpour, S Gazor, M Nasiri-Kenari
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (5), 2182-2186, 2009
An algorithm for multisource beamforming and multitarget tracking
S Affes, S Gazor, Y Grenier
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 44 (6), 1512-1522, 1996
Prediction in LMS-type adaptive algorithms for smoothly time varying environments
S Gazor
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47 (6), 1735-1739, 1999
Persymmetric adaptive detection and range estimation of a small target
C Hao, S Gazor, G Foglia, B Liu, C Hou
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (4), 2590-2604, 2015
Tone reservation for OFDM systems by maximizing signal-to-distortion ratio
S Gazor, R AliHemmati
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (2), 762-770, 2011
Invariance and optimality of CFAR detectors in binary composite hypothesis tests
A Ghobadzadeh, S Gazor, MR Taban, AA Tadaion, SM Moshtaghioun
IEEE transactions on signal processing 62 (14), 3523-3535, 2014
Signal activity detection of phase-shift keying signals
AA Tadaion, M Derakhtian, S Gazor, MM Nayebi, MR Aref
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54 (8), 1439-1445, 2006
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Articles 1–20