Maruška Vizek
Maruška Vizek
Institute of Economics Zagreb
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The effect of tourism activity on housing affordability
J Mikulić, M Vizek, N Stojčić, JE Payne, AČ Časni, T Barbić
Annals of tourism research 90, 103264, 2021
Is there convergence in per capita renewable energy consumption across US States? Evidence from LM and RALS-LM unit root tests with breaks
JE Payne, M Vizek, J Lee
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70, 715-728, 2017
Stochastic convergence in per capita fossil fuel consumption in US states
JE Payne, M Vizek, J Lee
Energy economics 62, 382-395, 2017
House price determinants in transition and EU-15 countries
P Posedel, M Vizek
Post-Communist Economies 21 (3), 327-343, 2009
The impact of macroeconomic policies on manufacturing production in Croatia
M Tkalec, M Vizek
Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika 19 (121), 61-92, 2009
Integration of Croatian, CEE and EU equity markets: cointegration approach
M Vizek, T Dadić
Ekonomski pregled 57 (9-10), 631-646, 2006
The price tag of tourism: Does tourism activity increase the prices of goods and services?
M Tkalec, M Vizek
Tourism Economics 22 (1), 93-109, 2016
The effect of housing and stock market wealth on consumption in emerging and developed countries
AA Šonje, AČ Časni, M Vizek
Economic systems 38 (3), 433-450, 2014
Econometric analysis of monetary transmission channels in Croatia
M Vizek
Croatian Economic Survey, 11-44, 2008
Short-run and long-run determinants of house prices in Eastern and Western European countries
M Vizek
Privredna Kretanjua i Ekonomska Politika 20 (125), 27, 2010
Modeling inflation in Croatia
M Vizek, T Broz
Emerging markets finance and trade 45 (6), 87-98, 2009
Forecasting fiscal revenues in a transition country: the case of Croatia
V Botrić, M Vizek
Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business 15 (1), 23-36, 2012
Does housing wealth affect private consumption in European post-transition countries? Evidence from linear and threshold models
AA Šonje, AČ Časni, M Vizek
Post-communist economies 24 (1), 73-85, 2012
Ekonometrijska analiza kanala monetarnog prijenosa u Hrvatskoj
M Vizek
Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika 16 (109), 28-61, 2006
The determinants of financial Euroization in a post-transition country: do threshold effects matter?
M Ivanov, M Tkalec, M Vizek
Finance a Uver 61 (3), 230, 2011
Izvoz prehrambene industrije i učinci na gospodarstvo: slučaj Hrvatske
G Buturac, M Vizek
Ekonomski pregled 66 (3), 203-230, 2015
Are house prices characterized by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries
P Posedel, M Vizek
Finance a Uver 61 (6), 584, 2011
Are house prices characterized by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries
P Posedel, M Vizek
Finance a Uver 61 (6), 584, 2011
Analiza determinanti hrvatskog turističkog sektora
M Vizek
Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika 114, 51, 2008
Balance sheet effects and original sinners’ risk premiums
M Tkalec, M Vizek, M Verbič
Economic systems 38 (4), 597-613, 2014
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