Geometric and force errors compensation in a 3-axis CNC milling machine C Raksiri, M Parnichkun International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 44 (12-13), 1283-1291, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
Industrial robot selection using a novel decision making method considering objective and subjective preferences RV Rao, BK Patel, M Parnichkun Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (6), 367-375, 2011 | 151 | 2011 |
Adaptive cruise control for an intelligent vehicle W Pananurak, S Thanok, M Parnichkun 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 1794-1799, 2009 | 135 | 2009 |
Kinematics control of a pneumatic system by hybrid fuzzy PID M Parnichkun, C Ngaecharoenkul Mechatronics 11 (8), 1001-1023, 2001 | 109 | 2001 |
Real-time optimal control for rotary inverted pendulum V Sukontanakarn, M Parnichkun American journal of applied sciences 6 (6), 1106, 2009 | 90 | 2009 |
Flexible manufacturing system selection using a combinatorial mathematics-based decision-making method RV Rao, M Parnichkun International Journal of Production Research 47 (24), 6981-6998, 2009 | 82 | 2009 |
Force control in a pneumatic system using hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy model reference control S Kaitwanidvilai, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 15 (1), 23-41, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Balancing control of bicyrobo by particle swarm optimization-based structure-specified mixed H2/H∞ control BT Thanh, M Parnichkun International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 5 (4), 39, 2008 | 77 | 2008 |
Hybrid EEG-EOG brain-computer interface system for practical machine control Y Punsawad, Y Wongsawat, M Parnichkun 2010 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |
Neural network based-time optimal sliding mode control for an autonomous underwater robot T Chatchanayuenyong, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 16 (8), 471-478, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Genetic-Algorithm-Based Fixed-Structure Robust H Loop-Shaping Control of a Pneumatic Servosystem S Kaitwanidvilai, M Parnichkun Journal of robotics and mechatronics 16, 362-373, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
Prediction of settled water turbidity and optimal coagulant dosage in drinking water treatment plant using a hybrid model of k-means clustering and adaptive neuro … CM Kim, M Parnichkun Applied Water Science 7, 3885-3902, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
Trajectory tracking using online learning LQR with adaptive learning control of a leg-exoskeleton for disorder gait rehabilitation N Ajjanaromvat, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 51, 85-96, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Improvement of adaptive cruise control system based on speed characteristics and time headway N Benalie, W Pananurak, S Thanok, M Parnichkun 2009 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Balancing control of AIT leg exoskeleton using ZMP based FLC N Aphiratsakun, M Parnichkun International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 6 (4), 34, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
MLP, ANFIS, and GRNN based real-time coagulant dosage determination and accuracy comparison using full-scale data of a water treatment plant CM Kim, M Parnichkun Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 66 (1), 49-61, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Hybrid of fuzzy and PID in kinematics control of a pneumatic system M Parnichkun, C Ngaecharoenkul 2000 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2000 | 42 | 2000 |
Position control of a pneumatic surgical robot using PSO based 2-DOF H∞ loop shaping structured controller W Tuvayanond, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 43, 40-55, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Development and control of a bicycle robot based on steering and pendulum balancing P Seekhao, K Tungpimolrut, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 69, 102386, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Double-level ball-riding robot balancing: From system design, modeling, controller synthesis, to performance evaluation K Sukvichai, M Parnichkun Mechatronics 24 (5), 519-532, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |