Ljubica Nedelkoska
Ljubica Nedelkoska
Complexity Science Hub Vienna and the Growth Lab, Harvard University
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Automation, skills use and training
L Nedelkoska, G Quintini
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, 2018
Welcome home in a crisis: Effects of return migration on the non-migrants' wages and employment
R Hausmann, L Nedelkoska
European Economic Review 101, 101-132, 2018
Skill mismatch and the costs of job displacement
F Neffke, L Nedelkoska, S Wiederhold
Research Policy 53 (2), 104933, 2024
What do employers pay for employees’ complex problem solving skills?
P Ederer, L Nedelkoska, A Patt, S Castellazzi
International Journal of Lifelong Education 34 (4), 430-447, 2015
Skill-relatedness und Resilienz: Fallbeispiel Saarland
A Otto, L Nedelkoska, F Neffke
Raumforschung und Raumordnung| Spatial Research and Planning 72 (2), 133-151, 2014
Occupations at risk: job tasks, job security, and wages
L Nedelkoska
Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (6), 1587-1628, 2013
The Albanian Community in the United States
L Nedelkoska, N Khaw
Center for International Development at Harvard University, Harvard, 2015
What is the binding constraint to growth in Albania?
T O’Brien, L Nedelkoska, E Frasheri
Center for International Development, Harvard University, 2017
Mental health concerns precede quits: shifts in the work discourse during the Covid-19 pandemic and great resignation
RM del Rio-Chanona, A Hermida-Carrillo, M Sepahpour-Fard, L Sun, ...
EPJ Data Science 12 (1), 49, 2023
Is Our Human Capital General Enough to Withstand the Current Wave of Technological Change?
L Nedelkoska, D Diodato, F Neffke
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper, 2018
Skill Mismatch and Skill Transferability: Review of Concepts and Measurements
L Nedelkoska, F Neffke
Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography (PEEG), 2019
Learning by Problem Solving
P Ederer, L Nedelkoska, A Patt
Available at SSRN 2673990, 2020
The Role of the Diaspora in the Internationalization of the Colombian Economy
L Nedelkoska, A Assumpcao, A Grisanti, M Hartog, J Hinz, J Lu, D Muhaj, ...
CID Working Papers, 2021
Does the Sri Lankan economy need more university graduates
L Nedelkoska, T O’Brien, D Stock
Centre for International Development at Harvard University, 2018
Ruimte geven aa n economische vernieuwing
F Van Oort, A Weterings, L Nedelkoska, F Neffke
Arbeidsmobiliteit en skill-gerelateerdheid in Nederlands e regio’s …, 2015
You get what you pay for: Sources and consequences of the public sector premium in Albania and Sri Lanka
R Hausmann, L Nedelkoska, S Noor
HKS Working Paper No. RWP20-004, 2020
Job complexity and lifelong learning
L Nedelkoska, A Patt
Thematic Report, proceedings of LLLight’in’Europe research project …, 2015
Eight decades of changes in occupational tasks, computerization and the gender pay gap
L Nedelkoska, SG Matha, J McNerney, A Assumpcao, D Diodato, F Neffke
CID Working Papers 151a, Center for International Development at Harvard …, 2021
Skill-gerelateerdheid in de arbeidsmarkt van de provincie Zuid-Holland
FMH Neffke, L Nedelkoska, FG van Oort
Provincie Zuid-Holland, 2012
Human capital in transition: On the changing skill requirements and skill transferability
L Nedelkoska
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