Andrew G. Edwards
Andrew G. Edwards
Chief Research Scientist, Simula Research Laboratory
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Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Na+/K+‐ATPase in the heart
MJ Shattock, M Ottolia, DM Bers, MP Blaustein, A Boguslavskyi, J Bossuyt, ...
The Journal of physiology 593 (6), 1361-1382, 2015
Ryanodine receptor dispersion disrupts Ca2+ release in failing cardiac myocytes
TR Kolstad, J van den Brink, N MacQuaide, PK Lunde, M Frisk, ...
Elife 7, e39427, 2018
A novel computational model of mouse myocyte electrophysiology to assess the synergy between Na+ loading and CaMKII
S Morotti, AG Edwards, AD McCulloch, DM Bers, E Grandi
The Journal of physiology 592 (6), 1181-1197, 2014
Species-dependent mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmia: a cellular focus
AG Edwards, WE Louch
Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 11, 1179546816686061, 2017
Modelling cardiac calcium sparks in a three‐dimensional reconstruction of a calcium release unit
J Hake, AG Edwards, Z Yu, PM Kekenes‐Huskey, AP Michailova, ...
The Journal of Physiology 590 (18), 4403-4422, 2012
Aerodynamic characteristics as determinants of the drafting effect in cycling.
AG Edwards, WC Byrnes
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 39 (1), 170-176, 2007
General Principles for the Validation of Proarrhythmia Risk Prediction Models: An Extension of the CiPA In Silico Strategy
Z Li, GR Mirams, T Yoshinaga, BJ Ridder, X Han, JE Chen, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 107 (1), 102-111, 2020
Life-long caloric restriction elicits pronounced protection of the aged myocardium: a role for AMPK
AG Edwards, AJ Donato, LA Lesniewski, RA Gioscia, DR Seals, ...
Mechanisms of ageing and development 131 (11-12), 739-742, 2010
An evaluation of the accuracy of classical models for computing the membrane potential and extracellular potential for neurons
A Tveito, KH Jæger, GT Lines, Ł Paszkowski, J Sundnes, AG Edwards, ...
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 11, 27, 2017
Metabolically driven maturation of human-induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived cardiac microtissues on microfluidic chips
N Huebsch, B Charrez, G Neiman, B Siemons, SC Boggess, S Wall, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 6 (4), 372-388, 2022
Properties of cardiac conduction in a cell-based computational model
KH Jæger, AG Edwards, A McCulloch, A Tveito
PLoS computational biology 15 (5), e1007042, 2019
3D dSTORM imaging reveals novel detail of ryanodine receptor localization in rat cardiac myocytes
X Shen, J van den Brink, Y Hou, D Colli, C Le, TR Kolstad, N MacQuaide, ...
The Journal of Physiology 597 (2), 399-418, 2019
Caveolae in ventricular myocytes are required for stretch-dependent conduction slowing
ER Pfeiffer, AT Wright, AG Edwards, JC Stowe, K McNall, J Tan, ...
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 76, 265-274, 2014
Computational modeling of electrophysiology and pharmacotherapy of atrial fibrillation: recent advances and future challenges
M Vagos, IGM van Herck, J Sundnes, HJ Arevalo, AG Edwards, ...
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1221, 2018
Atrial-selective targeting of arrhythmogenic phase-3 early afterdepolarizations in human myocytes
S Morotti, AD McCulloch, DM Bers, AG Edwards, E Grandi
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 96, 63-71, 2016
Inversion and computational maturation of drug response using human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in microphysiological systems
A Tveito, KH Jæger, N Huebsch, B Charrez, AG Edwards, S Wall, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 17626, 2018
Nonequilibrium Reactivation of Na+ Current Drives Early Afterdepolarizations in Mouse Ventricle
AG Edwards, E Grandi, JE Hake, S Patel, P Li, S Miyamoto, JH Omens, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7 (6), 1205-1213, 2014
An integrative appraisal of mechano-electric feedback mechanisms in the heart
V Timmermann, LA Dejgaard, KH Haugaa, AG Edwards, J Sundnes, ...
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 130, 404-417, 2017
A unified computational model for cortical post-synaptic plasticity
T Mäki-Marttunen, N Iannella, AG Edwards, GT Einevoll, KT Blackwell
Elife 9, e55714, 2020
Measuring changes in aerodynamic/rolling resistances by cycle-mounted power meters.
AC Lim, EP Homestead, AG Edwards, TC Carver, R Kram, WC Byrnes
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 43 (5), 853-860, 2011
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Articles 1–20