Laura A. Bakkensen
Laura A. Bakkensen
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The impact of climate change on global tropical cyclone damage
R Mendelsohn, K Emanuel, S Chonabayashi, L Bakkensen
Nature climate change 2 (3), 205-209, 2012
Validating resilience and vulnerability indices in the context of natural disasters
LA Bakkensen, C Fox‐Lent, LK Read, I Linkov
Risk analysis 37 (5), 982-1004, 2017
Flood risk belief heterogeneity and coastal home price dynamics: Going under water?
LA Bakkensen, L Barrage
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Going underwater? Flood risk belief heterogeneity and coastal home price dynamics
LA Bakkensen, L Barrage
The Review of Financial Studies 35 (8), 3666-3709, 2022
Risk and adaptation: Evidence from global hurricane damages and fatalities
LA Bakkensen, RO Mendelsohn
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 3 (3 …, 2016
Sorting over flood risk and implications for policy reform
LA Bakkensen, L Ma
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 104, 102362, 2020
Climate shocks, cyclones, and economic growth: bridging the micro-macro gap
L Bakkensen, L Barrage
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
Flood risk and salience: New evidence from the Sunshine State
LA Bakkensen, X Ding, L Ma
Southern Economic Journal 85 (4), 1132-1158, 2019
Global tropical cyclone damages and fatalities under climate change: An updated assessment
LA Bakkensen, RO Mendelsohn
Hurricane risk, 179-197, 2019
Climate costs of tropical cyclone losses also depend on rain
LA Bakkensen, DSR Park, RSR Sarkar
Environmental Research Letters 13 (7), 074034, 2018
Developing a comprehensive methodology for evaluating economic impacts of floods in Canada, Mexico and the United States
Z Adeel, AM Alarcón, L Bakkensen, E Franco, GM Garfin, RA McPherson, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101861, 2020
The impact of climate change on global tropical cyclone damage. Nat. Climate Change, 2, 205–209
R Mendelsohn, K Emanuel, S Chonabayashi, L Bakkensen
The impact of disaster data on estimating damage determinants and climate costs
LA Bakkensen, X Shi, BD Zurita
Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 2, 49-71, 2018
Is tropical cyclone surge, not intensity, what kills so many people in South Asia?
SN Seo, LA Bakkensen
Weather, climate, and society 9 (2), 171-181, 2017
Institutional design for a complex commons: Variations in the design of credible commitments and the provision of public goods
EC Schlager, LA Bakkensen, T Olivier, J Hanlon
Public Administration 99 (2), 263-289, 2021
Do disasters affect growth? A macro model-based perspective on the empirical debate
L Bakkensen, L Barrage
Working Paper, Brown University, Department of Economics, 2016
A preference for power: Willingness to pay for energy reliability versus fuel type in Vietnam
L Bakkensen, P Schuler
Energy Policy 144, 111696, 2020
Mediterranean hurricanes and associated damage estimates
LA Bakkensen
Journal of Extreme Events 4 (02), 1750008, 2017
Fatal errors: The mortality value of accurate weather forecasts
JG Shrader, L Bakkensen, D Lemoine
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Population matters when modeling hurricane fatalities
LA Bakkensen, W Larson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (50), E5331-E5332, 2014
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