maria teresa grønning dale
maria teresa grønning dale
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Cited by
Long-term symptoms of depression and anxiety in mothers of infants with congenital heart defects
Ø Solberg, MT Grønning Dale, H Holmstrøm, LT Eskedal, MA Landolt, ...
Journal of pediatric psychology 36 (2), 179-187, 2011
Omfang av vold og overgrep i den norske befolkningen
MTG Dale, HF Aakvaag, IF Strøm, EM Augusti, AD Skauge
NKVTS rapport 1, 2023, 2023
Association of light-to-moderate alcohol drinking in pregnancy with preterm birth and birth weight: elucidating bias by pooling data from nine European cohorts
K Strandberg-Larsen, G Poulsen, BH Bech, L Chatzi, S Cordier, ...
European journal of epidemiology 32, 751-764, 2017
Mothers of infants with congenital heart defects: well-being from pregnancy through the child’s first six months
MTG Dale, Ø Solberg, H Holmstrøm, MA Landolt, LT Eskedal, ME Vollrath
Quality of life research 21, 115-122, 2012
Well-being in mothers of children with congenital heart defects: a 3-year follow-up
MT Grønning Dale, Ø Solberg, H Holmstrøm, MA Landolt, LT Eskedal, ...
Quality of Life Research 22, 2063-2072, 2013
Trajectories of maternal mental health: a prospective study of mothers of infants with congenital heart defects from pregnancy to 36 months postpartum
Ø Solberg, MT Grønning Dale, H Holmstrøm, LT Eskedal, MA Landolt, ...
Journal of pediatric psychology 37 (6), 687-696, 2012
Emotional reactivity in infants with congenital heart defects and maternal symptoms of postnatal depression
Ø Solberg, MTG Dale, H Holmstrøm, LT Eskedal, MA Landolt, ME Vollrath
Archives of women's mental health 14, 487-492, 2011
Relationship satisfaction among mothers of children with congenital heart defects: A prospective case-cohort study
MTG Dale, Ø Solberg, H Holmstrøm, MA Landolt, LT Eskedal, ME Vollrath
Journal of pediatric psychology 38 (8), 915-926, 2013
Intake of sucrose-sweetened soft beverages during pregnancy and risk of congenital heart defects (CHD) in offspring: a Norwegian pregnancy cohort study
MTG Dale, P Magnus, E Leirgul, H Holmstrøm, HK Gjessing, K Brodwall, ...
European Journal of Epidemiology 34, 383-396, 2019
Alcohol consumption among first-time mothers and the risk of preterm birth: a cohort study
MTG Dale, LS Bakketeig, P Magnus
Annals of epidemiology 26 (4), 275-282, 2016
Post-traumatic stress reactions and doctor-certified sick leave after a workplace terrorist attack: Norwegian cohort study
MTG Dale, A Nissen, M Berthelsen, T Heir
BMJ open 10 (2), e032693, 2020
Psychosocial work factors and sick leave risk after a terrorist bomb attack: a survey and registry-based longitudinal study of governmental employees in Norway
MTG Dale, A Nissen, M Berthelsen, HK Gjessing, T Heir
BMJ open 11 (10), e052628, 2021
Is perceived safety and threat after workplace terrorism linked to employee sick-leave? A registry-based longitudinal study of governmental employees in Norway
A Nissen, M Berthelsen, MTG Dale, MB Hansen, T Heir
European journal of psychotraumatology 11 (1), 1785249, 2020
Ketose hos ku. Aarsaksforhold, klinisk manifestasjon, diagnose og differensialdiagnoser [Litteratur studie].
A Steen, K Halse, MA Hansen, M Dale
Norsk Veterinaertidsskrift 105, 1993
Partnervold går på helsa løs
MC Myhre, MTG Dale
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2023
Work after violence: The consequences of violence for work participation
AD Skauge, MTG Dale, A Nissen
OSF, 2023
Utvikling av detaljert hydraulisk simuleringsmodell Bacheloroppgave
ST Clausen, MN Myhre, EM Savari, S Opheim, IS Hernborg, A Riiser, ...
Høgskolen på Vestlandet, 2020
Ser du meg?–Sykepleiers opplevelser i møte med barn som blir utsatt for vold og seksuelle overgrep
MH Henden, M Dale
Høgskulen på Vestlandet, 2020
[Ketosis in cows. Causal relation, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis [Review]]
A Steen, K Halse, MA Hansen, M Dale
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Articles 1–19