R. Burke Squires
Cited by
Cited by
ViPR: an open bioinformatics database and analysis resource for virology research
BE Pickett, EL Sadat, Y Zhang, JM Noronha, RB Squires, V Hunt, M Liu, ...
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D593-D598, 2012
Influenza research database: an integrated bioinformatics resource for influenza research and surveillance
RB Squires, J Noronha, V Hunt, A García‐Sastre, C Macken, ...
Influenza and other respiratory viruses 6 (6), 404-416, 2012
Static and evolving norovirus genotypes: implications for epidemiology and immunity
GI Parra, RB Squires, CK Karangwa, JA Johnson, CJ Lepore, ...
PLoS pathogens 13 (1), e1006136, 2017
Nanopore sequencing as a rapidly deployable Ebola outbreak tool
T Hoenen, A Groseth, K Rosenke, RJ Fischer, A Hoenen, SD Judson, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 22 (2), 331, 2016
DBAASP v. 2: an enhanced database of structure and antimicrobial/cytotoxic activity of natural and synthetic peptides
M Pirtskhalava, A Gabrielian, P Cruz, HL Griggs, RB Squires, DE Hurt, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D1104-D1112, 2016
Finding our way through phenotypes
AR Deans, SE Lewis, E Huala, SS Anzaldo, M Ashburner, JP Balhoff, ...
PLoS biology 13 (1), e1002033, 2015
BioHealthBase: informatics support in the elucidation of influenza virus host–pathogen interactions and virulence
B Squires, C Macken, A Garcia-Sastre, S Godbole, J Noronha, V Hunt, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D497-D503, 2008
Metabolism of 2-amino-alpha-carboline. A food-borne heterocyclic amine mutagen and carcinogen by human and rodent liver microsomes and by human cytochrome P4501A2.
H Raza, RS King, RB Squires, FP Guengerich, DW Miller, JP Freeman, ...
Drug metabolism and disposition 24 (4), 395-400, 1996
Standardized metadata for human pathogen/vector genomic sequences
VG Dugan, SJ Emrich, GI Giraldo-Calderón, OS Harb, RM Newman, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e99979, 2014
Influenza virus sequence feature variant type analysis: evidence of a role for NS1 in influenza virus host range restriction
JM Noronha, M Liu, RB Squires, BE Pickett, BG Hale, GM Air, ...
Journal of virology 86 (10), 5857-5866, 2012
Metadata-driven comparative analysis tool for sequences (meta-CATS): an automated process for identifying significant sequence variations that correlate with virus attributes
BE Pickett, M Liu, EL Sadat, RB Squires, JM Noronha, S He, W Jen, ...
Virology 447 (1-2), 45-51, 2013
Evaluation of SIV library vaccines with genetic cytokines in a macaque challenge
KF Sykes, MG Lewis, B Squires, SA Johnston
Vaccine 20 (17-18), 2382-2395, 2002
Profiling invasive Plasmodium falciparum merozoites using an integrated omics approach
K Kumar, P Srinivasan, MJ Nold, JK Moch, K Reiter, D Sturdevant, TD Otto, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17146, 2017
Ontology-based knowledge representation of experiment metadata in biological data mining
RH Scheuermann, M Kong, C Dahlke, J Cai, J Lee, Y Qian, B Squires, ...
Biological data mining, 549-580, 2009
Toward a method for tracking virus evolutionary trajectory applied to the pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus
RB Squires, BE Pickett, S Das, RH Scheuermann
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 28, 351-357, 2014
The Influenza Infectious Disease Ontology (I-IDO)
J Luciano, L Schriml, B Squires, R Scheuermann
The 11th Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting, ISMB 20, 2008
An influenza virus molecular infection model and discrete event, stochastic simulation
RB Squires
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2008
Profiling invasive Plasmodium falciparum merozoites using an integrated omics approach.
KK Krishan Kumar, PS Prakash Srinivasan, MJ Nold, JK Moch, K Reiter, ...
Viral Polymerase Assembly
E Bortz, A Garcia-Sastre, B Squires
Infectious disease
M Bukrinsky, P Caposio, P D'Eustachio, A Deffur, A Garcia-Sastre, ...
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Articles 1–20