Tahmid Latif, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Wearable heart rate sensor systems for wireless canine health monitoring
R Brugarolas, T Latif, J Dieffenderfer, K Walker, S Yuschak, BL Sherman, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (10), 3454-3464, 2016
Sound localization sensors for search and rescue biobots
T Latif, E Whitmire, T Novak, A Bozkurt
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (10), 3444-3453, 2016
Line following terrestrial insect biobots
T Latif, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 34th Annual …, 2012
Kinect-based system for automated control of terrestrial insect biobots
E Whitmire, T Latif, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual …, 2013
Biobotic motion and behavior analysis in response to directional neurostimulation
A Dirafzoon, T Latif, F Gong, M Sichitiu, A Bozkurt, E Lobaton
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International …, 2017
Towards fenceless boundaries for solar powered insect biobots
T Latif, E Whitmire, T Novak, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual …, 2014
Biobotic insect swarm-based sensor networks for search and rescue
A Bozkurt, E Lobaton, M Sichitiu, T Hedrick, T Latif, A Dirafzoon, ...
SPIE Defense+ Security. International Society for Optics and Photonics …, 2014
Analysis of EEG and EMG signals for detection of Sleep Disordered Breathing events
MR Azim, SA Haque, MS Amin, T Latif
International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE 2010 …, 2010
Roach Biobots: Toward Reliability and Optimization of Control
T Latif, A Bozkurt
IEEE pulse 8 (5), 27-30, 2017
A study on motion mode identification for cyborg roaches
J Cole, F Mohammadzadeh, C Bollinger, T Latif, A Bozkurt, E Lobaton
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International …, 2017
Acoustic sensors for biobotic search and rescue
E Whitmire, T Latif, A Bozkurt
SENSORS, 2014 IEEE, 2195-2198, 2014
Design of a cost-effective EMG driven bionic leg
T Latif, CM Ellahi, TA Choudhury, KS Rabbani
2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 80-85, 2008
Characterization of RSS variability for biobot localization using 802.15. 4 Radios
H Xiong, T Latif, E Lobaton, A Bozkurt, ML Sichitiu
Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNet), 2016 IEEE Topical Conference …, 2016
A wireless system for longitudinal assessment of tissue-electrode interface in biobots
T Latif, A Bozkurt
Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2015 IEEE, 1-4, 2015
In vitro electrochemical assessment of electrodes for neurostimulation in roach biobots
T Latif, M McKnight, MD Dickey, A Bozkurt
PloS one 13 (10), e0203880, 2018
Spectral analysis of human sleep EEG signal
MS Amin, MR Azim, T Latif, MA Hoque, FM Hasan
2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems 3, V3-106-V3-110, 2010
Using liquid metal alloy (EGaIn) to electrochemically enhance SS stimulation electrodes for biobotic applications
T Latif, F Gong, M Dickey, M Sichitiu, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual …, 2016
Preliminary statistical assessment towards characterization of biobotic control
T Latif, M Yang, E Lobaton, A Bozkurt
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual …, 2016
Towards acoustic localization for biobotic sensor networks
H Xiong, T Agcayazi, T Latif, A Bozkurt, ML Sichitiu
2017 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2017
Tissue-Electrode Interface Characterization for Optimization of Biobotic Control of Roach-bots
T Latif
North Carolina State University, 2017
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Articles 1–20