Receiver cancellation technique for nonlinear power amplifier distortion in SDMA–OFDM systems F Gregorio, S Werner, TI Laakso, J Cousseau IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56 (5), 2499-2516, 2007 | 81 | 2007 |
Factorized all-pass based IIR adaptive notch filters JE Cousseau, S Werner, PDÍ Donate IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (11), 5225-5236, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
PAPR reduction in FBMC systems using a smart gradient-project active constellation extension method N van der Neut, BT Maharaj, FH de Lange, G Gonzalez, F Gregorio, ... 2014 21st International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 134-139, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Efficient estimation and correction of mismatch errors in time-interleaved ADCs CA Schmidt, JE Cousseau, JL Figueroa, BT Reyes, MR Hueda IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 65 (2), 243-254, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
PAPR reduction in FBMC using an ACE-based linear programming optimization N Van der Neut, BTJ Maharaj, F De Lange, GJ González, F Gregorio, ... EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014, 1-21, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Adaptive piecewise linear predistorters for nonlinear power amplifiers with memory MY Cheong, S Werner, MJ Bruno, JL Figueroa, JE Cousseau, R Wichman IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 59 (7), 1519-1532, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Efficient nonlinear Wiener model identification using a complex-valued simplicial canonical piecewise linear filter JE Cousseau, JL Figueroa, S Werner, TI Laakso IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (5), 1780-1792, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Internet of things F Gregorio, G González, C Schmidt, J Cousseau, F Gregorio, G González, ... Signal Processing Techniques for Power Efficient Wireless Communication …, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Power amplifier linearization technique with IQ imbalance and crosstalk compensation for broadband MIMO-OFDM transmitters F Gregorio, J Cousseau, S Werner, T Riihonen, R Wichman EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011, 1-15, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Receiver-side nonlinearities mitigation using an extended iterative decision-based technique FH Gregorio, S Werner, J Cousseau, J Figueroa, R Wichman Signal Processing 91 (8), 2042-2056, 2011 | 32 | 2011 |
Self-interference cancelation through advanced sampling M Bernhardt, F Gregorio, J Cousseau, T Riihonen IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (7), 1721-1733, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
A simplicial canonical piecewise linear adaptive filter JL Figueroa, JE Cousseau, RJP de Figueiredo Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 23, 365-386, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
Signal processing techniques for power efficient wireless communication systems F Gregorio, G González, C Schmidt, J Cousseau Practical Approaches for RF Impairments Reduction. Springer, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Volterra-type models for nonlinear systems identification CA Schmidt, SI Biagiola, JE Cousseau, JL Figueroa Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (9-10), 2414-2421, 2014 | 26 | 2014 |
Improved neural network based CFAR detection for non homogeneous background and multiple target situations NB Gálvez, JE Cousseau, JL Pasciaroni, OE Agamennoni Latin American applied research 42 (4), 343-350, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
A new low complexity iterative equalization architecture for high-speed receivers on highly dispersive channels: Decision feedforward equalizer (DFFE) AL Pola, DE Crivelli, JE Cousseau, OE Agazzi, MR Hueda 2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 133-136, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Adaptive control of a Wiener type system: application of a pH neutralization reactor JL Figueroa, JE Cousseau, S Werner, T Laakso International Journal of Control 80 (2), 231-240, 2007 | 23 | 2007 |
Receiver cancellation of nonlinear power amplifier distortion in SDMA-OFDM systems FH Gregorio, TI Laakso, JE Cousseau 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
EVM analysis for broadband OFDM direct-conversion transmitters F Gregorio, J Cousseau, S Werner, T Riihonen, R Wichman IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 62 (7), 3443-3451, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Low-complexity channel prediction using approximated recursive DCT JF Schmidt, JE Cousseau, R Wichman, S Werner IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 58 (10), 2520-2530, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |