Ronaldo Guedes Viotti
Ronaldo Guedes Viotti
phD Professor de Odontologia
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Microtensile bond strength of new self-adhesive luting agents and conventional multistep systems
RG Viotti, A Kasaz, CE Pena, RS Alexandre, CA Arrais, AF Reis
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 102 (5), 306-312, 2009
Esthetic rehabilitation of anterior conoid teeth: comprehensive approach for improved and predictable results
CE Pena, RG Viotti, WR Dias, E Santucci, JA Rodrigues, AF Reis
Eur J Esthet Dent 4 (3), 210-24, 2009
Effects of a peripheral enamel margin on the long-term bond strength and nanoleakage of composite/dentin interfaces produced by self-adhesive and conventional resin cements.
AC Kasaz, CE Pena, RS De Alexandre, RG Viotti, VB Santana, ...
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 14 (2), 2012
Reabilitação estética de dentes anteriores com restaurações cerâmicas adesivas
CE Pena, RG Viotti, LA Ferreira, JA Rodrigues, AF Reis
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent, 280-287, 2009
All-ceramic inlay-retained fixed partial bridge using a CAD-CAM produced Y-TZP framework and fluoroapatite veneering ceramic: a clinical report.
R Hirata, R Viotti, AF Reis, OS de Andrade
General Dentistry 55 (7), 657-662, 2007
Reintervenção em incisivo central com pino de fibra de vidro fraturado.
AF Reis, RG Viotti, A Souza-Junior, FY Hirata, CM Esteves, RE Ilkiu
Journal of Clinical Dentistry & Research 13 (4), 2016
Reintervention on a central incisor with a fractured glass fiber post
AF Reis, RG Viotti, A Souza-Junior, FY Hirata, CM Esteves, RE Ilkiu
Avaliação da resistência de união produzida por diferentes técnicas de cimentação de pinos de fibra de vidro através do ensaio de push-out.
Comparação da resistência de união e padrão de fratura de cimentos resinosos convencionais e auto-adesivos.
617.675 V799c, 2009
Aplicação clínica de sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes
A Reis, C Pena, R Viotti, L Albino, F Feitosa, A Kasaz, J Rodrigues, ...
Rev. dental press estét, 48-66, 2008
Ceramic Restorations: All-ceramic inlay-retained fixed partial bridge using a CAD-CAM produced Y-TZP framework and fluoroapatite veneering ceramic: A clinical report
R Hirata, R Viotti, AF Reis, OS de Andrade
GENERAL DENTISTRY 55 (7), 657, 2007
Réhabilitation esthétique de dents antérieures coronoïdes: une approche globale en vue d’améliorer la prévisibilité des résultats
CE Pena, RG Viotti, WR Dias, E Santucci, JA Rodrigues, AF Reis
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Articles 1–12