Carl-Inge Colombo Nilsen
Carl-Inge Colombo Nilsen
Senior Research Scientist at NR
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Cited by
Wiener beamforming and the coherence factor in ultrasound imaging
CIC Nilsen, S Holm
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 57 …, 2010
Beamspace adaptive beamforming for ultrasound imaging
CIC Nilsen, I Hafizovic
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56 …, 2009
Speckle statistics in adaptive beamforming
JF Synnevag, CIC Nilsen, S Holm
Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE, 1545-1548, 2007
Implementing capon beamforming on a GPU for real-time cardiac ultrasound imaging
JP Asen, JI Buskenes, CIC Nilsen, A Austeng, S Holm
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 61 …, 2014
Design and implementation of a MEMS microphone array system for real-time speech acquisition
I Hafizovic, CIC Nilsen, M Kjølerbakken, V Jahr
Applied acoustics 73 (2), 132-143, 2012
Shooting over the seismic spread
V Vinje, JE Lie, V Danielsen, PE Dhelle, R Silliqi, CI Nilsen, E Hicks, ...
First Break 35 (6), 2017
Coherent plane-wave compounding and minimum variance beamforming
A Austeng, CIC Nilsen, AC Jensen, SP Näsholm, S Holm
2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2448-2451, 2011
Robust ultrasonic indoor positioning using transmitter arrays
S Holm, CIC Nilsen
2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-5, 2010
An optimized GPU implementation of the MVDR beamformer for active sonar imaging
JI Buskenes, JP Åsen, CIC Nilsen, A Austeng
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 40 (2), 441-451, 2014
Digital beamforming using a GPU
CIC Nilsen, I Hafizovic
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Applying Thomson's multitaper approach to reduce speckle in medical ultrasound imaging
AC Jensen, SP Nasholm, CIC Nilsen, A Austeng, S Holm
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 59 …, 2012
Adaptive sonar imaging using aperture coherence
AEA Blomberg, CIC Nilsen, A Austeng, RE Hansen
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 38 (1), 98-108, 2012
Acoustic tracking of aircraft using a circular microphone array sensor
I Hafizovic, CIC Nilsen, M Kjølerbakken
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology …, 2010
A novel source-over-cable solution to address the Barents Sea imaging challenges
JE Lie, V Danielsen, PE Dhelie, R Sablon, R Siliqi, C Grubb, V Vinje, ...
Marine Acquisition Workshop 2018, cp-560-00016, 2018
Shooting over the streamer spread; a novel approach in seismic marine acquisition and imaging
V Vinje, JE Lie, V Danielsen, PE Dhelie, R Siliqi, CI Nilsen, E Hicks, ...
79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017 2017 (1), 1-5, 2017
Distortion-free delta-sigma beamforming
CIC Nilsen, S Holm
ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 55 …, 2008
Transformation between uniform linear and spherical microphone arrays with symmetric responses
I Hafizovic, CIC Nilsen, S Holm
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 20 (4), 1189-1195, 2011
Robust 3-D sound source localization using spherical microphone arrays
CIC Nilsen, I Hafizovic, S Holm
Audio Engineering Society Convention 134, 2013
Capon beamforming applied to second-harmonic ultrasound experimental data
SP Näsholm, A Austeng, AC Jensen, CIC Nilsen, S Holm
2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2217-2220, 2011
Adapting the minimum variance beamformer to a graphics processing unit for active sonar imaging systems
JI Buskenes, JP Åsen, CIC Nilsen, A Austeng
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
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Articles 1–20