Ying Wang
Ying Wang
Naperville, IL
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The validity of driving simulation for assessing differences between in-vehicle informational interfaces: A comparison with field testing
Y Wang, B Mehler, B Reimer, V Lammers, LA D'Ambrosio, JF Coughlin
Ergonomics 53 (3), 404-420, 2010
A field study on the impact of variations in short-term memory demands on drivers’ visual attention and driving performance across three age groups
B Reimer, B Mehler, Y Wang, JF Coughlin
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54 (3 …, 2012
The sensitivity of different methodologies for characterizing drivers’ gaze concentration under increased cognitive demand
Y Wang, B Reimer, J Dobres, B Mehler
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 26, 227-237, 2014
Driver's views and behaviors about safety in China—What do they NOT know about driving?
W Zhang, YH Huang, M Roetting, Y Wang, H Wei
Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (1), 22-27, 2006
Drivers’ visual scanning behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections: A naturalistic driving study in China
G Li, Y Wang, F Zhu, X Sui, N Wang, X Qu, P Green
Journal of safety research 71, 219-229, 2019
A comparison of heart rate and heart rate variability indices in distinguishing single-task driving and driving under secondary cognitive workload
B Mehler, B Reimer, Y Wang
Proceedings of the Sixth International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in …, 2011
Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction: A Comparison Study of Stop-Controlled Intersection and Speed-Limited Highway
Y Liao, SE Li, W Wang, Y Wang, G Li, B Cheng
The impact of systematic variation of cognitive demand on drivers' visual attention across multiple age groups
B Reimer, B Mehler, Y Wang, JF Coughlin
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54 …, 2010
Fatal crashes involving large numbers of vehicles and weather
Y Wang, L Liang, L Evans
Journal of safety research 63, 1-7, 2017
Simulators for driving safety study–a literature review
Y Wang, W Zhang, S Wu, Y Guo
Virtual Reality, 584-593, 2007
The effect of feedback on attitudes toward cellular phone use while driving: a comparison between novice and experienced drivers
Y Wang, W Zhang, B Reimer, M Lavalliere, MF Lesch, WJ Horrey, S Wu
Traffic injury prevention 11 (5), 471-477, 2010
Preempt or yield? An analysis of driver’s dynamic decision making at unsignalized intersections by classification tree
M Liu, G Lu, Y Wang, Y Wang, Z Zhang
Safety Science 65, 36-44, 2014
Recognizing and releasing drivers' negative emotions by using music: evidence from driver anger
Y Zhu, Y Wang, G Li, X Guo
Adjunct Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2016
A comparison of the effect of a low to moderately demanding cognitive task on simulated driving performance and heart rate in middle aged and young adult drivers
B Reimer, B Mehler, JF Coughlin, Y Wang, LA D'Ambrosio, N Roy, J Long, ...
Cyberworlds, 2008 International Conference on, 493-500, 2008
王颖, 张伟, 吴甦
科技导报 27 (0913), 7-6, 2009
Design and evaluation of a steering wheel-mount speech interface for drivers' mobile use in car
Y Wang, S He, Z Mohedan, Y Zhu, L Jiang, Z Li
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014 IEEE 17th International …, 2014
The effect of age and gender on visual search during lane changing
M Lavalliere, B Reimer, B Mehler, L D’Ambrosio, Y Wang, N Teasdale, ...
Lake Tahoe, California, 2011
Development of a low-cost driving simulation system for safety study and training
Y Wang, E Zhang, W Zhang, MC Leu, H Zeng
Proceedings of Driving Simulation Conference Asia/Pacific, 2006
The impact of repeated cognitive tasks on driving performance and visual attention
Y Wang, B Reimer, B Mehler, J Zhang, A Mehler, JF Coughlin
Proc. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Human …, 2010
王颖, 廖可兵, 郭阳, 张烨烨, 张伟, 吴甦
系统仿真学报 19 (11), 2492-2495, 2007
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