Lars Pico Geerdsen
Lars Pico Geerdsen
Head of Department, BUILD - Dep. of the built environment, Aalborg University
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Is there a threat effect of labour market programmes? A study of ALMP in the Danish UI system
LP Geerdsen
The Economic Journal 116 (513), 738-750, 2006
Det kønsopdelte arbejdsmarked
H Holt, LP Geerdsen, G Christensen, C Klitgaard, ML Lind
SFI Rapport 6 (02), 2006
Duration of UI periods and the perceived threat effect from labour market programmes
LP Geerdsen, A Holm
Labour Economics 14 (3), 639-652, 2007
The effect of active labor market policies on crime: Incapacitation and program effects
P Fallesen, LP Geerdsen, S Imai, T Tranæs
Labour Economics 52, 263-286, 2018
Forbryderen og samfundet
T Tranæs, LP Geerdsen
Livsvilkar og uformel straf [The Criminal and Society: Living Conditions and …, 2008
Unemployment benefit exhaustion: incentive effects on job finding rates: a systematic review
T Filges, LP Geerdsen, ASD Knudsen, AMK Jørgensen, K Kowalski
Campbell Systematic Reviews 9 (1), 1-104, 2013
Marginalisation processes in the Danish labour market
LP Geerdsen
Danish National Institute of Social Research, 2003
Unemployment benefit exhaustion: incentive effects on job-finding rates
T Filges, LP Geerdsen, ASD Knudsen, AMK Jørgensen
Research on Social Work Practice 25 (1), 21-43, 2015
Does labour market training motivate job search
LP Geerdsen
A study of incentive effects of compulsory ALMP in the Danish UI system, 2002
Fra aktivering til beskæftigelse
PP Geerdsen, LP Geerdsen
Rapport 6, 20, 2006
Does Labour Market Training Motivate Job Search?: A Study of Incentive Effects of Compulsory ALMP in the Danish UI System
LP Geerdsen
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 2002
Unge indvandrere på kontanthjælp i Københavns kommune. Barrierer for uddannelse og arbejde
LP Geerdsen, V Jakobsen, M Jensen, L Küppers, BM Olsen
Job-search Incentives From Labor Market Programs–an Empirical Analysis
L Geerdsen, A Holm
Centre for Applied Microeconometrics Working Paper 3, 2004
The threat of compulsory participation in active labour market programmes for unemployed
N Bjørn, L Geerdsen, P Jensen
Review not yet approved, 2004
Øger udsigten til aktivering de lediges jobsøgning?
LP Geerdsen, BK Graversen
Samfundsøkonomen 7, 12-19, 2002
The Effect of Workfare on Crime: Youth Dilingence and Law Obedience
P Fallesen, LP Geerdsen, S Imai, T Tranæs
Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, 2012
The threat of active labour market programmes for unemployed
LP Geerdsen, NH Bjørn, T Filges, P Jensen
Campbell Collaboration, Review submitted, 2011
Ud af hjemløshed
LP Geerdsen, I Koch-Nielsen, H Vinther, I Christensen, V Tornhøj
Om Livet efter Ophold på en Institution for Hjemløse.[Out of Homelessness …, 2005
Is there an incentive effect of labour market programmes? A study of ALMP in the Danish UI system
LP Geerdsen
Danish National Institute of Social Research Working Paper, 2003
The identification of incentive effects of benefit exhaustion in unemployment insurance systems
LP Geerdsen
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 2002
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