Florentino Felgueroso
Florentino Felgueroso
Verifisert e-postadresse på uniovi.es
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Youth labour markets in Spain: Education, training, and crowding-out
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
European Economic Review 44 (4-6), 943-956, 2000
Where do women work?: Analysing patterns in occupational segregation by gender
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 293-315, 2003
Youth labour market performance in Spain and its determinants: A micro-level perspective
JJ Dolado, M Jansen, F Felgueroso, A Fuentes, A Wölfl
OECD, 2013
Recent trends in occupational segregation by gender: a look across the Atlantic
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
Available at SSRN 320108, 2002
The effects of minimum bargained wages on earnings: Evidence from Spain
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
European Economic Review 41 (3-5), 713-721, 1997
Female Employment and Occupational Changes in the 1990s: How is the EU Performing Relative to the US?
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
European Economic Review 45 (4-6), 875-889, 2001
Youth unemployment
S Maguire, B Cockx, JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, M Jansen, I Styczyńska, ...
Intereconomics 48, 196-235, 2013
The role of the minimum wage in the welfare state: an appraisal
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
Available at SSRN 233903, 2000
Explaining youth labor market problems in Spain: crowding-out, institutions, or technology shifts?
JF Jimeno, F Felgueroso, JJ Dolado
IZA Discussion Papers, 2000
Immigration and student achievement in Spain: evidence from PISA
N Zinovyeva, F Felgueroso, P Vazquez
SERIEs 5, 25-60, 2014
La inserción laboral de los titulados universitarios en España
JFJ Serrano, FF Fernández, JJ Dolado
Papeles de Economía Española, 78-98, 2000
Are men and women-economists evenly distributed across research fields? Some new empirical evidence
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, M Almunia
SERIEs 3, 367-393, 2012
Explaining the fall of the skill wage premium in Spain
F Felgueroso, M Hidalgo, S Jiménez-Martín
Documento de trabajo 19, 2010
Los problemas del mercado de trabajo juvenil en España: empleo, formación y salarios mínimos
FF Fernández, JFJ Serrano, JJ Dolado
Ekonomiaz: revista vasca de economía, 136-157, 1999
Las reformas laborales en España: un modelo agotado
JI Conde-Ruiz, F Felgueroso, JI García-Pérez
Papeles de economía española 124, 128-147, 2010
Dropout trends and educational reforms: the role of the LOGSE in Spain
F Felgueroso, M Gutiérrez-Domènech, S Jiménez-Martín
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 3, 1-24, 2014
La negociación colectiva en España: una reforma pendiente
JL Rodríguez, CA Colodrón, FF Fernández
Papeles de Economía Española, 250-260, 1997
Manual para la formación en prevención de riesgos laborales
A Gallego, A Márquez, J Millán, J Monereo, N Moreno, R Vida
Lex Nova 4ed. España, 2006
Past, present and future of the Spanish labour market: when the pandemic meets the megatrends
JJ Dolado, F Felgueroso, JF Jimeno
Applied Economic Analysis 29 (85), 21-41, 2021
Reforma Laboral 2010: Una primera evaluación y propuestas de mejora
JI Conde-Ruiz, F Felgueroso, JI García-Pérez
Revista de economía aplicada 19 (57), 147-180, 2011
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