Taking the high road? Compliance with commuter tax allowances and the role of evasion spillovers J Paetzold, H Winner Journal of Public Economics 143, 1-14, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
Labor market effects of COVID-19 in Sweden and its neighbors: Evidence from novel administrative data S Juranek, J Paetzold, H Winner, F Zoutman NHH Dept. of Business and Management Science Discussion Paper, 2020 | 70 | 2020 |
Labor market effects of COVID‐19 in Sweden and its neighbors: Evidence from administrative data S Juranek, J Paetzold, H Winner, F Zoutman Kyklos 74 (4), 512-526, 2021 | 39 | 2021 |
The convergence of welfare state indicators in Europe: Evidence from panel data J Paetzold European Journal of Social Security 15 (1), 28-54, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
The intergenerational causal effect of tax evasion: Evidence from the commuter tax allowance in Austria W Frimmel, M Halla, J Paetzold Journal of the European Economic Association 17 (6), 1843-1880, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
How do taxpayers respond to a large kink? Evidence on earnings and deduction behavior from Austria J Paetzold International Tax and Public Finance 26 (1), 167-197, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
EU C o‐Ordination and the Convergence of Domestic Unemployment Protection Schemes J Paetzold, O Van Vliet JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (5), 1070-1089, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Health of elderly parents, their children's labor supply, and the role of migrant care workers W Frimmel, M Halla, J Paetzold, J Schmieder DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Do commuting subsidies increase commuting distances? Evidence from a Regression Kink Design J Paetzold Regional Science and Urban Economics 75, 136-147, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Impacts of rapid mass vaccination against SARS-CoV2 in an early variant of concern hotspot J Paetzold, J Kimpel, K Bates, M Hummer, F Krammer, D von Laer, ... Nature Communications 13 (1), 612, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Distributional and revenue effects of a tax shift from labor to property J Paetzold, M Tiefenbacher International Tax and Public Finance 25, 1215-1251, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Persistence of immunity to SARS-CoV-2 over time in the ski resort Ischgl W Borena, Z Bánki, K Bates, H Winner, L Riepler, A Rössler, L Pipperger, ... EBioMedicine 70, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
How do wage earners respond to a large kink? Evidence on earnings and deduction behavior from Austria J Paetzold Working Papers in Economics, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Cutting red tape for trade in services M Kern, J Paetzold, H Winner The World Economy 44 (10), 2858-2886, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Convergence without hard criteria: Does EU soft law affect domestic unemployment protection schemes? J Paetzold, O van Vliet University of Salzburg Working Paper, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Health of Parents, Their Children's Labor Supply, and the Role of Migrant Care Workers W Frimmel, M Halla, J Paetzold, J Schmieder | 9 | 2023 |
Labour market effects of COVID-19: Sweden and its Scandinavian neighbours S Juranek, J Paetzold, H Winner, F Zoutman VoxEU CEPR. https://voxeu. org/article/labour-market-effects-covid-19-sweden …, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Can high COVID-19 vaccination rates in adults help protect unvaccinated children? Evidence from a unique mass vaccination campaign, Schwaz/Austria, March 2021 H Winner, J Kimpel, F Krammer, D von Laer, J Paetzold Eurosurveillance 27 (39), 2101027, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Follow-up study in the ski-resort Ischgl: antibody and T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 persisted for up to 8 months after infection and transmission of virus was low even during … W Borena, Z Bánki, K Bates, H Winner, L Riepler, A Rössler, L Pipperger, ... MedRxiv, 2021.02. 19.21252089, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Almost Fare Free: Impact of a Cheap Public Transport Ticket on Mobility Patterns and Infrastructure Quality M Liebensteiner, J Losert, S Necker, F Neumeier, J Paetzold, S Wichert CESifo Working Paper, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |