Tamara Kalandadze
Tamara Kalandadze
Associate professor of special education and neurodevelopmental differences; Open Science
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Cited by
Figurative language comprehension in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analytic review
TNKABN Tamar Kalandadze, Courtenay Norbury
Autism, 2016
A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms
S Parsons, F Azevedo, MM Elsherif, S Guay, ON Shahim, GH Govaart, ...
Nature human behaviour 6 (3), 312-318, 2022
Virtual and augmented reality in social skills interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review
A Dechsling, S Orm, T Kalandadze, S Sütterlin, RA Øien, F Shic, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-16, 2021
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on metaphor comprehension in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Do task properties matter?
T Kalandadze, V Bambini, KA Næss
Applied Psycholinguistics 40 (6), 1421-1454, 2019
The replication crisis has led to positive structural, procedural, and community changes
M Korbmacher, F Azevedo, CR Pennington, H Hartmann, M Pownall, ...
Communications Psychology 1 (1), 3, 2023
Virtual reality and naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder
A Dechsling, F Shic, D Zhang, PB Marschik, G Esposito, S Orm, S Sütterlin, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 111, 103885, 2021
Teaching open and reproducible scholarship: a critical review of the evidence base for current pedagogical methods and their outcomes
M Pownall, F Azevedo, LM König, HR Slack, TR Evans, Z Flack, ...
Royal Society Open Science 10 (5), 221255, 2023
An integrative framework for planning and conducting Non-Intervention, Reproducible, and Open Systematic Reviews (NIRO-SR)
M Topor, JS Pickering, AB Mendes, DVM Bishop, F Büttner, MM Elsherif, ...
Meta-Psychology 7, 2023
Metaphor comprehension in individuals with autism Spectrum disorder: Core language skills matter
T Kalandadze, J Braeken, C Brynskov, KAB Næss
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11, 2022
Open developmental science: An overview and annotated reading list
T Kalandadze, SA Hart
Infant and Child Development 33 (1), e2334, 2024
Towards reproducible and respectful autism research: Combining open and participatory autism research practices
H Hobson, A Linden, L Crane, T Kalandadze
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 106, 102196, 2023
Interventions Targeting Expressive Communication in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
KP Wilson, JR Steinbrenner, T Kalandadze, L Handler
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2019
Introducing a framework for open and reproducible research training (FORRT)
F Azevedo, S Parsons, L Micheli, J Strand, EM Rinke, S Guay, M Elsherif, ...
OSF Preprints, 2019
Non-interventional, reproducible, and open (NIRO) systematic review guidelines v1
M Topor, JS Pickering, A Barbosa Mendes, DVM Bishop, FC Büttner, ...
Open Sci. Framew 31, 222, 2020
Opening up understanding of neurodiversity: a call for applying participatory and open scholarship practices
A Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, T Kalandadze, SK Yeung, F Azevedo, B Iley, ...
The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin 8, 2023
& FORRT (2019, December 13). Introducing a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT). PsyArXiv
F Azevedo, S Parsons, L Micheli, J Strand, E Rinke, S Guay, MM Elsherif, ...
A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. Nature Human Behaviour, 6 (3), 312–318
S Parsons, F Azevedo, MM Elsherif, S Guay, ON Shahim, GH Govaart, ...
FORRT.(2019). Introducing a framework for open and reproducible research training (FORRT)
F Azevedo, S Parsons, L Micheli, JF Strand, E Rinke, S Guay, M Elsherif, ...
OSF Preprints, 4, 0
The impact of open and reproducible scholarship on students’ scientific literacy, engagement, and attitudes towards science: a review and synthesis of the evidence
M Pownall, F Azevedo, LM König, HR Slack, T Evans, Z Flack, S Grinschgl, ...
The replication database: Documenting the replicability of psychological science
L Röseler, L Kaiser, C Doetsch, N Klett, C Seida, A Schütz, B Aczel, ...
Journal of Open Psychology Data 12 (8), 1-23, 2024
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Articles 1–20